Strategic Planning Dashboard


Wichita State University is a complex system with many components interacting to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. Monitoring and assessment of progress toward our strategic plan is necessary and requires many types of evaluations. Quantitative metrics are one method of monitoring and assessment.

The Wichita State University Strategic Planning Steering Committee consulted with University Academic Affairs, including the College Deans, to develop a University dashboard that intentionally gauges collective performance of the University on representative meaningful metrics. Dashboards are used to gauge the performance of a complex system using a small number of metrics to monitor collective performance. The committee researched, deliberated, and selected quantitative metrics as indicators of how well the University is achieving its mission “to be an essential educational, cultural and economic driver for Kansas and the greater public good” and aspiring to its vision to be “internationally recognized as the model for applied learning and translational research.”

The Strategic Planning Steering Committee sought to utilize data already collected or accessible by the University and set the fulfillment of the discrete University strategic plan goals at the WSU Colleges' and support units' level. It developed a self-assessment template and scoring tool for Colleges to use to ascertain alignment with University mission, vision and goals, leaving the particular content and implementation plans up to individual Colleges and support units. An annual review process ensures the systematic incorporation of the University strategic plan into the Wichita State University culture.

Metric Selection

Metric selection is a subjective process. The Strategic Planning Steering Committee considered a large number of indicators before deciding on the final metrics. The objective was to choose meaningful indicators that provide evidence of progress toward achievement of the strategic plan, while at the same time choosing metrics for which data are already collected at the University. Periodic evaluation of these indicators may result in adjustment as better indicators are collected or indicators are found to not drive the intended behaviors.