The Phase II Strategic Planning Steering Committee, from left: Jay Price, Khawaja Saeed, Cindy Claycomb, Cathy Moore-Jansen, Barbara Chaparro, Sandra Bibb, Aleks Sternfeld-Dunn, Bob Ross, Clay Stoldt and Jenny Stauffer. (Not pictured: Steven Skinner).
Phase II strategic planning
Phase II strategic planning began in fall of 2013. Academic Colleges and units on campus were charged with developing their strategic plans. They were allowed freedom in developing these individual plans, discovering how the University plan relates to their College or unit, and what they plan to change as a result.
Plans for Academic Affairs and other units (e.g., Student Engagement, Career Development) were completed in spring 2014. In November 2014, Cindy Claycomb, professor and assistant to the President for Strategic Planning, formed and facilitates a Phase II strategic planning steering committee:
- Sandra Bibb, dean, College of Health Professions.
- Barbara Chaparro, associate prrofessor and director of Software Usability Research Lab, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- Cathy Moore-Jansen, associate professor and coordinator for Collection Development, University Libraries.
- Jay Price, chair, History Department and professor, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- Bob Ross, associate professor, W. Frank Barton School of Business.
- Khawaja Saeed, associate dean, Graduate Studies in Business and professor, W. Frank Barton School of Business.
- Steven Skinner, associate dean, Undergraduate Studies, Finance and Administration and professor, College of Engineering.
- Aleks Sternfeld-Dunn, associate professor, associate director and graduate coordinator, College of Fine Arts.
- Clay Stoldt, associate dean and associate professor, College of Education.
The steering committee was tasked to support alignment of WSU Colleges' strategic plans with the University's seven strategic goals. Presentations and discussions with deans, chairs, vice presidents and directors occurred throughout the planning cycle. The following was accomplished:
- Review of colleges' strategic plans.
- Development of self-assessment tool for colleges.
- Review of Colleges' self-assessments.
- Development and rollout to colleges of a strategic planning template.
- Development of a University Strategic Planning Dashboard.
- Launch of Carnegie Community Engagement application process (Service Learning Fellows).
- Review of Career Development Center strategic plan and feedback.
- Review of Student Engagement strategic plan and feedback.
- Relaunch of Strategic Planning website.
As a Transition Team, the current steering committee will:
- Finalize the University Dashboard by operationalizing targets and measures for attainment of the University strategic plan.
- Establish an annual review process to determine how colleges and units are accomplishing the seven university goals.
- Develop a structure for a maintenance/ review team.
- Handoff to a maintenance/ review team.