Last call for photos for Convocation video

The deadline for photos and videos of student organizations for Convocation 2008 is Friday, June 13.

A photo and video montage of WSU student organization events and members will be shown at Convocation 2008. Make sure your student organization is represented.

Share photos and video of your best events and current members from fall 2007-spring 2008.

Each group will be allotted no more than 20 seconds of screen time. Pictures will be shown for four seconds. Videos will be cut to fit within this time frame.

Submit up to five printed or digital photographs on CD. Photos should be of close, clear shots of people or groups of people. Keep in mind, this will be shown on a very large screen in Koch Arena, so high resolutions are a must.

Submit a copy of any clear video footage of your organization at the highest resolution possible on CD (not DVD). Videos must be in .mpg format and playable in Windows Media Player.

We reserve the right to edit and/or exclude both photographs and videos as deemed necessary.

Be sure to label each photograph, disk, CD, or videotape/DVD with the WSU student organization name, a contact name, phone number and e-mail address.

Please only send copies; materials will not be returned.

Submit photos and videos to the RSC Activities Office, 219 RSC.