Kansas Senate, House OK $2M for innovation campus

The following is an excerpt from an April 8 Wichita Eagle story about funding for Wichita State University's planned Innovation Campus.

The innovation campus that Wichita State University leaders hope to build to create more technology jobs took another step toward becoming reality this week, with the Kansas Legislature approving $2 million to help establish it, WSU officials said.

WSU also got back some money it lost last year when the Legislature cut WSU’s budget and capped the salaries of some employees.

And WSU's National Center for Aviation Training got $500,000 more this year than it received last year, said Andy Schlapp, WSU’s executive director of governmental relations.

The restored and added money were big wins for the Wichita community and will result in more job creation for Kansas, according to Senate President Susan Wagle, R-Wichita, and House Appropriations Committee Chairman Gene Suellentrop, R-Wichita.

"The innovation campus is a very big deal for Wichita's future," Suellentrop said.

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