Comic opera 'Il Viaggio a Reims' good fare for family

The comic opera “Il Viaggio a Reims” (“The Trip to Reims”) will be presented by Wichita State University Opera and Musical Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 15-Saturday, March 17; and 2 p.m. Sunday, March 18, in Miller Concert Hall.

The opera, by G. Rossini and L. Balocchi, will be sung in Italian with English titles. Tickets are $16, with discounts available, for the G-rated show. For more information, call the College of Fine Arts Box Office at (316) 978-3233.

Marie King

Marie King

Marie King, WSU director of opera, said Rossini has been the acknowledged master of Italian comic opera since “The Barber of Seville” first dazzled the public. Many comic gems followed, including “La Cenerentola,” “The Italian Girl in Algiers” and his French confection, “Le Comte Ory.”

“Il Viaggio a Reims” is the last of Rossini’s Italian operas, which he wrote in 1825 to celebrate the coronation of Charles X of France. By tradition, French kings were crowned in the city of Reims. In the best monarch-flattering tradition, the plot concerns the trials and travails of a group of international travelers trying to get to the coronation festivities.

They have spent the night at the hotel and spa “The Golden Lily” in the French Tyrol. However, a shortage of horses and coaches, occasioned by the heavy traffic to Reims, makes it impossible for them to reach their goal. Giving up on their grand design, the travelers throw a party honoring the new King.

The opera is known for dazzling vocal showpieces and amusing characters from various countries. Their relationships mirror the political and cultural alliances and rivalries of European nations at the time. The Russian count loves the Polish Marchesa; the French knight has his Parisian lover, but is convinced that the Italian lady finds him irresistible. The English Milord is smitten with the beautiful Italian, etc. Rossini also pokes gentle fun at national clichés: the French Countess cares only for fashion, the German Baron for music, the Italian gentleman for antiquities.

“Il Viaggio” offers wonderful opportunities for WSU students to show off their voices in a delightful and challenging comedy. Rossini’s music has been important in developing the careers of such WSU alumni as Samuel Ramey and recent Grammy winner Joyce Di Donato. King invites audiences to discover an emerging generation of opera stars.