WSU scientific research honor society chapter recognizes local teacher for education excellence

The Wichita State University chapter of Sigma Xi, a scientific research honor society, recognized Northwest High School science teacher Crystal Kerr as the 2016 Outstanding Science Educator.

Kerr was the first recipient of the award and was recognized in a ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26, at Northwest High School. She received a certificate and an honorarium of $100. The award was established to recognize those who have made an impact in one of Sigma Xi’s core areas: honoring excellence in scientific investigation and encouraging a sense of companionship and cooperation among researchers in all fields of science and engineering.

In addition to teaching science, Kerr worked to establish Science Cafes in Wichita alongside former Kapaun science teacher Harry Gregory. The cafes allow scientists in various fields of study come to the shop and have face to face conversations with people on a range of topics. They are held the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at The Donut Whole, 1720 E. Douglas.

“When we started the Science Cafe here, I didn’t know that it would grow as much as it has,” Kerr said.

The cafes were organized in 2011 and had an attendance of 15-20 people. Now, they often have standing-room-only crowds during the lectures. Speakers have covered topics such as the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility, the importance of water, science education and bird watching, along with many others.

“I hope that scientific dialogue and understanding will continue in Kansas in the coming years,” Kerr said. “Communication within the scientific community allows others to build off of previous research, taking it to new levels and in new directions.”