Gythiel's translated work is published into new book

Wichita State University history professor Anthony Gythiel has published a new book, “Dragon’s Wine and Angel’s Bread. The Teaching of Evagrius Ponticus on Anger and Meekness.”

The book was translated from the German text, written by Gabriel Bunge, titled, “Drachenwein und Engelsbrot. Die Lehre des Evagrios Pontikos von Zorn und Sanftmut.”

Gythiel’s book was published by St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press and is available in Wichita at Eighth Day Books, 2838 E. Douglas.

Gythiel, who is in phased retirement, has been at WSU since 1971. Aside from teaching, he has dedicated his career to translating historical theology works by world-renowned scholars. He is fluent in five languages.

In 2008, Gythiel was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree by the trustees and faculty of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, NY.