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Diversity Committee Roster

Deserunt temporibus totam ut. Aut et magnam et eveniet vitae et minima. Nihil fugiat assumenda qui aut ea. Vel totam sint natus minus quasi distinctio dolor similique. Facere aut ut et est iure odio quidem autem. Aspernatur id labore quas unde voluptatum reprehenderit. Ullam quia quam quasi quidem maxime eveniet rerum. Reprehenderit impedit porro repellat alias et odit minus.

Purpose & Authority

The Diversity Committee shall conduct reviews, establish initiatives and make recommendations on establishing and maintaining a diverse faculty and student body. In addition, the committee will be responsible for fostering an inclusive culture within the college.


The committee consists of at least 11 members with four faculty representatives (including non-tenure track) with at least one representative from each academic department in the college. Representatives are appointed by the dean for a two-year term based upon recommendations from departments chairs. The college’s representative on the President’s Diversity Council will be one of the faculty representatives and will serve as the committee chair. Additional members include the dean, associate dean, at least two students (one undergraduate and one graduate), at least one representative from the CAS Advising Center, at least one staff member and at least one community member.  Representatives from other WSU bodies outside the college (e.g., committees, colleges, administrative offices, external community entities) may be invited by the committee to serve ex officio.


The committee is responsible for the following:

    1. promoting and engaging in activities and initiatives to enact diversity-related goals in the college's strategic plan,
    2. guiding the implementation of policies, procedures and activities intended to attain these goals, promotes relevant college policies,
    3. coordinating its work as appropriate with related university bodies such as the President’s Diversity Council to facilitate CAS action on broader diversity and inclusion initiatives,
    4. interfacing with the college's Assessment Committee to evaluate and report regularly to faculty and administration on progress toward these goals, and
    5. in concert with the college's Leadership Team, organizing relevant professional development for faculty, staff and students.
    6. The committee maintains open communication with faculty/staff on its activities through pre-meeting invitations and post-meeting distribution of minutes.