WelcomefestPhoto of a rubber duck in a pool.

Each fall the WSU College of Education welcomes students back to campus with fun, food, music and our traditional duck races!

This year's College of Education Welcomefest event was Tuesday, August 23 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the patio at Corbin Education Center. Duck races began at 1:30 p.m.

Photo of duck race participants.

Students are given ducks with numbers on them to race in the Corbin fountain. Students/faculty/staff or teams of students/faculty/staff who request a duck in advance can enter the "Performance Enhanced Duck" race. These are ducks that have been modified with some sort of device that controls their speed and/or direction.

The second race is for "Natural Ducks" that have not been enhanced in any way, except for decoration.

Photo of duck racing participants.

Corbin Duck Racing Association Rules

1. No live ducks or ducks that have been alive may be raced.

2. Ducks must remain in the fountain from the starting line to the finish line.

3. Duck owners may not enter the fountain on race day.

4. Duck wranglers may unstick stuck ducks, but may not stick unstuck ducks.

5. The CDRA race policy dictates that the first duck bill, tail, wing, or other avian appendage crossing the finish line, not to include any accessories, accoutrements, appurtenances, apparatus or apparel, belongs to the winning duck.