Fall 2017 College of Education Dean's Honor Roll

Adams, Charles F. Sport Management
Adams, Payton L. Elementary Education
Adolph, Haley J. Elementary Education
Alexander, Karrie A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Alfers, Miranda S. Elementary Education
Allen, Alexandra J. Exercise Science
Alliston, Koren M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Ambrosio Ucalam, Cesaria Antonio Sport Management
Amend, Belinda K. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Andreas, Chandra C. Elementary Education
Arnold, Celese B. English-Language Arts 6-12
Ast, Jeffery N. PreK-12 Physical Education
Atkeson, Holly O. English-Language Arts 6-12
Avila, Marina A. Elementary Education
Bailey, Karsten C. Sport Management
Baker, John G. Mathematics 6-12
Baldessari, Marie M.?? Exercise Science
Balk, Clara E. Elementary Education
Balk, Elizabeth M. Elementary Education
Ball, Tanner D. Sport Management
Balliet, Quinn A. Sport Management
Bangert, Lauren T. PreK-12 Spanish
Barney, Brett D. Sport Management
Barnum, Anna L. Elementary Education
Bartel, Kellen P. Sport Management
Bartonek, Demi M. Exercise Science
Bauman, Sierra R. PreK-12 Spanish
Beam, Hannah M. Exercise Science
Beam, Sarah A. Elementary Education
Beck, Jacy Mathematics 6-12
Beck, Kylie J. Early Childhood Unified
Beemer, Maquela M. Elementary Education
Belsan, Samuel M. History and Government 6-12
Beneke, Christopher J. Sport Management
Benzinger, Michelle L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Berrey, Kayla S. Elementary Education
Berry, Jennifer K. Biology 6-12
Bhakta, Priya S. Elementary Education
Bird-Heiman, Allison R. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Bishop, Madison C. English-Language Arts 6-12
Bittle, Sarah K. English-Language Arts 6-12
Black, Olivia J. Elementary Education
Blair, Kristy S. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Boden, Brianna M. Early Childhood Unified
Bogner, Janice R. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Bollinger, Tammy R. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Bolm, Trevor N. Exercise Science
Bouchard, Rachel L. Elementary Education
Bowen, Jeremy P. Sport Management
Boyer, Jordan J. Sport Management
Bozarth, Kathleen T. English-Language Arts 6-12
Bradley, Emily L. Exercise Science
Brecheisen, Gaige L. Sport Management
Brisco, Nathan A. Mathematics 6-12
Brittain, Jacob K. Chemistry 6-12
Broddle, Emily T. Elementary Education
Brooks, Maggie P. Sport Management
Brown, Ethan J. Sport Management
Brown, Josie R. Elementary Education
Brown, Lataish D. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Brumley, Sharilyn A. Elementary Education
Bruun, Madison M. Mathematics 6-12
Buchanan, James J. Elementary Education
Buck, Ryleigh D. Exercise Science
Burleson, Jordin A. Athletic Training
Burnett, Allyson M. Elementary Education
Burns, Brandy L. English-Language Arts 6-12
Burns, Brianna M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Burt, Alea W. Science/Math 5-8
Busenitz, Tyler R. Sport Management
Butler, Tara M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Byquist, Ruby Y. Elementary Education
Calabria, Payton H. Elementary Education
Calkin, Vanessa M. English-Language Arts 6-12
Carmichael, Robin C. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Carney, Janelle A. Elementary Education
Carson, Dray M. Exercise Science
Castor, Katie J. Early Childhood Unified
Cave, Dezerae D. Elementary Education
Chapman, Taylor D. Sport Management
Chappelle, Jacob G. Exercise Science
Chau, Leon Mathematics 6-12
Chrisman, Drew M. Exercise Science
Christiansen, Hannah E. Exercise Science
Church, Maria C. Mathematics 6-12
Clark, Kelsey E. Exercise Science
Coats, Ashton M. Exercise Science
Cody, Kathleen D. Elementary Education
Conrady, Mechelle L. Elementary Education
Corn, Shelby L. Exercise Science
Cozad, Michael A. Sport Management
Craft, Jonathan G. Mathematics 5-8
Crimi, Aspen D. PreK-12 Spanish
Crooks, Victoria E. Athletic Training
Crosby, Endurance E. Exercise Science
Crynes, Elliot J. Athletic Training
Dahl, Kassidy M. English-Language Arts 6-12
Dailey, Treanesha R. Early Childhood Unified
Dale, Micaela E. Sport Management
Dao, Andy T. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Dao, Kristy Athletic Training
Davis, Amber M. Elementary Education
Davison, Rebecca L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Depriest, Brandon J. Exercise Science
Derrico, Laurie A. Exercise Science
Deters, Melanie R. History/English 5-8
Diaz, Juan C. Mathematics 5-8
Dickerson, Mia D. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Dickerson, Tanya M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Dillard, Anna E. Biology 6-12
Dingman, Jordan R. Sport Management
Dixon, Shelley F. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Do, Isaac Exercise Science
Don Juan, Marisol G. Exercise Science
Dorsett, Sarah E. History and Government 6-12
Dreher, Riley D. Exercise Science
Drouhard, Joshua G. PreK-12 Physical Education
Eck, Rebecca L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Ediger, Emily A. Elementary Education
Egley, Ryan M. Mathematics 5-8
Ehresman, Brent A. Exercise Science
Eilts, Ryan B. Exercise Science
Elliott, Taylor R. Sport Management
Ellis, Aubrie L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Elsukar, Sarah H. English-Language Arts 6-12
Emmitt, Allison L. English-Language Arts 6-12
Eno, Gregory M. Sport Management
Evans, Robert A. Sport Management
Ewert, Rebecca L. Elementary Education
Exum, Jasmine L. Exercise Science
Fairchild, Morgan D. Elementary Education
Ferb, Samantha J. Elementary Education
Figueroa, Isaiah M. Sport Management
Filbert, Cody J. Exercise Science
Flickinger, Lauren D. Elementary Education
Flores, Jessica E. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Flynn, Nicholas J. Sport Management
Franke, Makena A. Early Childhood Unified
Fu, Lam Early Childhood Unified
Funschelle, Aliyah P. Sport Management
Funschelle, Jacob J. Sport Management
Galloup, John S. Exercise Science
Garcia, Jared R. Sport Management
Gardiner, Emily L. Exercise Science
Gardiner, Jessica R. Exercise Science
Garlow, Alexandra M. History/English 5-8
Gash, Nathan R. Elementary Education
Gauzy, Adam J. Exercise Science
Geis, Talisha M. Elementary Education
Ghram, Rachel K. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Girrens, Zach T. Exercise Science
Goetzman, Hannah R. Exercise Science
Goodpasture, Savannah J. Early Childhood Unified
Gould, Kira N. Early Childhood Unified
Grafke, Jeremy D. Sport Management
Granzow, Shae E. Elementary Education
Green, Tezia N. Early Childhood Unified
Gresham, Arikka M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Grilliot, Whitney L. Exercise Science
Groom, John T. Exercise Science
Gutierres, Joseph R. Mathematics 5-8
Haefele, Eric A. Sport Management
Hagan, Molly A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Haight, Brenden A. Sport Management
Haight, Kaitlin M. Elementary Education
Hainke, Jenna E. English-Language Arts 6-12
Halfman, Natalie R. Exercise Science
Hall, Zachary T. Sport Management
Hallacy, Kayela R. Exercise Science
Hallmark, Keegan M. Science 5-8
Haltom, Ashley E. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Hampel, Justin T. Sport Management
Hansen, Bailey L. Elementary Education
Harkman, Elizabeth A. Elementary Education
Harman, Danielle N. Early Childhood Unified
Harper, Jeryssa R. Elementary Education
Harrington, Emily J. Early Childhood Unified
Harris, Kristin E. Elementary Education
Hart, Kelsey C. Elementary Education
Hatcher, Sara N. Elementary Education
Hawk, Jordan A. Exercise Science
Hawkins, Maggie J. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Hays, Kimberly D. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Hays, Kori P. Elementary Education
Headrick, Christina A. Elementary Education
Hedden, Coleman J. English-Language Arts 6-12
Heide, Hannah M. Elementary Education
Heinrich, Micaela G. English-Language Arts 6-12
Hellewell, Emily K. English-Language Arts 6-12
Hempen, Brandy M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Henderson, Abigail N. English-Language Arts 6-12
Henderson, Kaitlyn L. Early Childhood Unified
Heppner, Megan M. Exercise Science
Hernandez, Alexis Mathematics 5-8
Hernandez, Mallory N. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Hernandez, Xochitl Elementary Education
Herzberg, Ashlyn A. Elementary Education
Hess, Melinda E. Elementary Education
Hiebert, Emily S. PreK-12 Physical Education
Ho, Jonathan N. Elementary Education
Hodges, Adrianna G. Earth and Space Science 6-12
Hodgin, Caroline M. Mathematics 5-8
Hofer-Holdeman, Vicki S. Elementary Education
Hogan, Andrew M. Earth and Space Science 6-12
Hogan, Lindsay A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Holland, Haley L. Early Childhood Unified
Holland, LaDeja R. Athletic Training
Hollingsworth, Katlyn M. Mathematics 6-12
Hoover, Sarah A. Elementary Education
Housdon, Renae C. Elementary Education
Howarah, Bailey E. Sport Management
Huggins, Morgan E. Biology 6-12
Isaac, Bryce D. Exercise Science
Isbel, Stormi N. Elementary Education
Ivey, Sarah E. Elementary Education
Janzen, Caleb L. Sport Management
Jasinski, Hannah I. Sport Management
JayNesahkluah, Chelsea M. English-Language Arts 6-12
Jewell, Madison R. History/English 5-8
Jobbins, Curtis S. Sport Management
Johnson, Amy L. Elementary Education
Johnson, Desert A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Johnson, Janelle M. Mathematics 5-8
Johnson, Trey L. PreK-12 Physical Education
Johnston, Sharon K. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Jones, Tiffany L. Elementary Education
Joyce, Nicole L. English-Language Arts 6-12
Kannasen, Kishore J. Exercise Science
Keiser, Colin E. History and Government 6-12
Kennedy, Emily Mathematics 6-12
Kimmel, Alexander N. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Kline, Shayla N. Elementary Education
Knibb, Shantal C. Elementary Education
Kogler, Michael W. Sport Management
Kope, Kimberly L. English-Language Arts 6-12
Koss, Azure M. Elementary Education
Kragel, Bonnie K. Exercise Science
Kridner, Aspen R. Elementary Education
Kriwiel, Adam D. Elementary Education
Kruse, Eric C. History and Government 6-12
Kruse, Taryn T. Exercise Science
Kuhn, Dylan L. Sport Management
Larison, Tammara L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Latimer, Ali M. Elementary Education
Lavacek, Mae M. Elementary Education
Lawson, Melissa S. Elementary Education
Leach, Ciara B. Sport Management
Leatherman, Brooke L. Elementary Education
Lee, Caitlin A. Elementary Education
Lee, Mikenzie T. Exercise Science
Lee, Quintin L. Athletic Training
Lee, Rachel E. Elementary Education
Lemanski, Natalie A. Elementary Education
Lemon, Callie A. Chemistry 6-12
Lerner, Peyton L. Sport Management
Lindeman, Chasmyn A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Linn, Derek B. Sport Management
Little, Emily L. Exercise Science
Littlejohn, Ashton D. Elementary Education
Loomis, Madison S. English-Language Arts 6-12
Looney, Jack T. Sport Management
Losey, Elizabeth R. Elementary Education
Lower, Andrew J. Exercise Science
Lozada-Cabbage, Sabrina Sport Management
Lubbers, Tess N. Early Childhood Unified
Luce, Dalton R. Sport Management
Macgill, Megan L. English-Language Arts 6-12
Macklin, Sierra D. Elementary Education
Madrigal, Araceli Exercise Science
Mann, Ciara N. Elementary Education
Mark, Natalie L. Elementary Education
Martin, Cheyanne A. History and Government 6-12
Mashiki, Yume Athletic Training
Maslinski, Alayna N. Exercise Science
Masterson, Melinda J. Exercise Science
Masterson, Ty J. Athletic Training
Matsumoto, Takuya Athletic Training
Matthews, Kelc D. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Mauk, Margaret S. Athletic Training
Mbugua, Joan W. Early Childhood Unified
McCandless, Kelsey A. Elementary Education
McCarthy, Abigail C. Elementary Education
McCarty, Jamye C. Early Childhood Unified
Mccloud, Carlisle J. Exercise Science
McClure, Molly E. Elementary Education
McCollum, Elizabeth R. Elementary Education
McCuistion, Megan R. Early Childhood Unified
McEwen, Shaquayah English-Language Arts 6-12
Mcgaughey, Courtney R. PreK-12 Physical Education
Mcgettrick, Elizabeth L. Mathematics 6-12
McGill, Alyssa C. Mathematics 6-12
McHenry, Cheyanne M. Elementary Education
Mckee, Amanda M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
McNeal, T'Essence R. Elementary Education
Mcquality, Caleb M. Mathematics 6-12
Meadows, Kelsey L. Elementary Education
Meagher, Jamie N. Elementary Education
Melbert, Jessica M. PreK-12 Physical Education
Mendenhall, Kathryn S. Elementary Education
Mendez, Marta PreK-12 Spanish
Menninga, Daniel N. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Mercer, William C. History and Government 6-12
Meredith, Destiney D. Elementary Education
Meyer, Joshua H. Sport Management
Meyer, Kara L. Elementary Education
Michaud, Candice E. English-Language Arts 6-12
Milby, Haley R. Exercise Science
Miller, Aaron D. Exercise Science
Miller, Matthew J. Chemistry 6-12
Mitchell, Camille G. English-Language Arts 6-12
Mitchell, Katie A. English-Language Arts 6-12
Mitchell, Kristin L. Elementary Education
Mizak, Meaghan C. Elementary Education
Montisano, Amanda M. Elementary Education
Montoya, Pedro Sport Management
Moore, Wyatt O. Sport Management
Morrical, Hannah M. Mathematics 5-8
Morris, Zechariah C. Sport Management
Morrison, Steven S. Sport Management
Moultrie, Janise L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Munson, Collin R. Sport Management
Murati, Elena M. Early Childhood Unified
Murillo, Andrea C. Exercise Science
Murray, Aleyah M. Early Childhood Unified
Nank, Sarah R. History and Government 6-12
Neas, Kristi K. History and Government 6-12
Neas, Rebecca D. Elementary Education
Nelson, Caitlin M. Elementary Education
Nelson, Hannah C. History and Government 6-12
Nguyen, Shalyn A. Elementary Education
Nickerson, Bailee R. Sport Management
Nix, Brandi M. Early Childhood Unified
Norfleet, Kevin D. English-Language Arts 6-12
Norris, Celia L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Nottingham, Kirstie J. Sport Management
Ocheltree, Tiffany N. Exercise Science
Ocon, Juan Earth and Space Science 6-12
Odom, Shawn D. Mathematics 6-12
Olberding, David J. Exercise Science
Oline, Kaitlyn N. Elementary Education
O'Nelio, Dominica L. PreK-12 Physical Education
Onken, Rachel N. Elementary Education
Orloske, Marissa L. Exercise Science
Ortiz, Christianna A. Elementary Education
O'Toole, Darcy D. Elementary Education
Pace, Morgan L. Exercise Science
Palmer, Morgan L. Sport Management
Papaioannou, Christos J. Elementary Education
Parker, Braxton D. Sport Management
Paul, Kelli B. Mathematics 5-8
Pebley, Marina A. Physics 6-12
Pedersen, Brooke E. Exercise Science
Pena, Erikah A. Elementary Education
Penrod, Zachary A. Exercise Science
Perry, Ashley R. Early Childhood Unified
Peterson, Erin J. Elementary Education
Phillips, Kenneth R. Elementary Education
Pipes, Katherine M. Elementary Education
Pittman, Samuel T. Sport Management
Plank, Veronica R. Elementary Education
Pluskis, Ryan R. Sport Management
Poland, Matthew S. Sport Management
Polley, Valan E. Exercise Science
Pope, Jamie M. Elementary Education
Povall, Joanne M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Preston, Cale A. Exercise Science
Prickett, Tyler A. English-Language Arts 6-12
Prim, Hannah A. Elementary Education
Pruett, Dolores I. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Qualley, Jaxon D. Sport Management
Rainbolt, Rachel N. Early Childhood Unified
Ramirez, Veronica Mathematics 5-8
Rasmussen, Ross A. Sport Management
Reddiyar, Bharath Sport Management
Redmon, Adriana M. Elementary Education
Reece, Jayna K. Exercise Science
Reed, Hannah E. Exercise Science
Regier, Abby N. Exercise Science
Rehmert, Micah J. Exercise Science
Reichenberger, Miranda N. Elementary Education
Reimer, Mariah M. Elementary Education
Reiser, Allison R. Mathematics 6-12
Reynolds, Sarah E. Exercise Science
Richards, Renee L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Rieschick, Ashley D. Exercise Science
Roberson, Kara M. Exercise Science
Roberts, Denise J. History and Government 6-12
Robinson, Beverly J. Elementary Education
Roca, Joshua L. Exercise Science
Rodriguez, Aylin Elementary Education
Rodriguez, Jamie L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Rogers, Amy J. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Roman, Lauren E. Elementary Education
Rose, Tori L. Elementary Education
Ross, Kaitlin R. Exercise Science
Rothe, Tanner C. Sport Management
Rowold, Thomas R. Sport Management
Rudawsky, Thomas B. Sport Management
Rule, Alexis C. Early Childhood Unified
Rust, Lauren A. English-Language Arts 6-12
Sadhwani, Rahul Sport Management
Salehi, Christina M. Elementary Education
Samples, Darla A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Sanchez, Alondra Sport Management
Sanchez, Ashley N. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Sanders, Riley A. Elementary Education
Saunders, Alexandra J. Early Childhood Unified
Scanlon, Connor E. Sport Management
Schaeffer, Emily R. Early Childhood Unified
Scheck, Cody E. Exercise Science
Schiesser, Erin L. Exercise Science
Schillaci, Rebecca C. Elementary Education
Schmidt, Bailey A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Schmidt, Hannah E. PreK-12 Spanish
Schmidt, Landen J. Physics 6-12
Schrag, Hayden G. Sport Management
Scott, Mckenzie L. Elementary Education
Segura, Barak Cole E. Sport Management
Seidel, Jacob B. Sport Management
Selaya, Joshua A. Sport Management
Seltzer, Cole A. Sport Management
Sexton, Tasha R. Elementary Education
Sheahon, Samuel R. Elementary Education
Shinn, Taylor M. Elementary Education
Shirley, Della M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Sillyman, Emily J. Elementary Education
Silva, Adam M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Simmons, Crystal D. Elementary Education
Sissell, Sydney L. Early Childhood Unified
Sites, Madison G. Elementary Education
Slattery, Ashleigh J. Sport Management
Sleiman, Jamillah R. English-Language Arts 6-12
Smith, Angela J. Elementary Education
Smith, Megan A. Elementary Education
Smith-Bell, Jada C. Mathematics 6-12
Snyder, Kayla A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Spainhour, Benjamin T. Earth and Space Science 6-12
Stafford, John L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Stafford, Ryan M. Sport Management
Stapp, Drew J. Sport Management
Starnes, Aaron T. Exercise Science
Steinbarger, Jessica M. Elementary Education
Stemm, Jack D. Athletic Training
Sterneker, Kelsey A. Exercise Science
Stockmann, Andrew J. Sport Management
Stoots, Elizabeth N. Elementary Education
Strand, Stephanie N. Elementary Education
Stroh, Courtney E. Elementary Education
Stroud, Joseph L. Sport Management
Sudbrink, Melinda A. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Sullivan, Kyle M. Sport Management
Sumner, Jordan R. Sport Management
Sutherland, Eryn E. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Swafford, Eric R. Sport Management
Swain, Stacy N. Elementary Education
Swisher, Jena Elementary Education
Tabares, Jasmine Elementary Education
Tanaka, Naoya Athletic Training
Tangney, Justin L. Exercise Science
Tanner, Parker A. Sport Management
Taylor, Jeffrey A. Sport Management
Tejano, Jason P. Exercise Science
Ternes, Katherine M. Elementary Education
Thao, Jonathan V. Athletic Training
Thimesch, Nicholas J. History and Government 6-12
Thomas, Ashlyn G. Elementary Education
Thomas, Marcy P. Elementary Education
Thongsing, Tanaporn Sport Management
Tolle, Tabitha L. Elementary Education
Tomarchio, Dannelle J. Sport Management
Torgerson, Taryn L. Sport Management
Treiber, Erin E. Elementary Education
Truby, Douglas Q. History and Government 6-12
Trumbull, Rachel R. Elementary Education
Tullos, Abigail M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Unruh, Maggie A. Elementary Education
Urban, Marcy B. Early Childhood Unified
Urban, Phoebe M. Elementary Education
Valenzuela, Esmeralda G. Elementary Education
Valverde, Alicia R. Elementary Education
VanderPutten, Therese A. Sport Management
Vandine, Jessica R. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Vest, Elizabeth G. English-Language Arts 6-12
Vick, Tanner J. Athletic Training
Villanueva, Elizabeth ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Vu, Angela H. Mathematics 5-8
Vu, Kelly History and Government 6-12
Walker, Lauren A. Elementary Education
Wall, Rhiley M. English-Language Arts 6-12
Wallace, Paxton M. Sport Management
Walz, Ashley L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Ward, Amy L. Elementary Education
Ward, Carli E. Elementary Education
Warren, Mason A. Chemistry 6-12
Washmon, Paige R. Elementary Education
Weber, Taylor L. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Weishaar, Cara R. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Weiss, Misty D. Exercise Science
Weixelman, Laura C. Elementary Education
Wencel, Samuel F. Sport Management
Wheeler, Madison R. Elementary Education
Whipple, Dylan R. Sport Management
Wiebe, Rachel M. Exercise Science
Wiens, Grace L. Early Childhood Unified
Wiens, Rachel D. Elementary Education
Wilken, Jacob M. History and Government 6-12
Wilken, Jerald R. Mathematics 5-8
Williams, Alyssa R. Athletic Training
Williams, Joan M. ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice
Williams, Meagan N. Mathematics 5-8
Williams, Tyona C. Elementary Education
Wilson, Reece A. Exercise Science
Wiseman, Miranda L. Elementary Education
Wofford, Meagan P. English-Language Arts 6-12
Wolgast, Kathryn E. Elementary Education
Wood, Shelby N. English-Language Arts 6-12
Wright, Natalie G. Athletic Training
Wurzer, Katherine E. PreK-12 Physical Education
Yaussi, Bailey S. English-Language Arts 6-12
Yi, Jason C. Sport Management
Yocum, Kristin E. Chemistry 6-12
Young, Alexis S. Elementary Education
Young, Steven C. Exercise Science
Zavala, Amber B. Elementary Education
Zeller, David H. History and Government 6-12