Adams, Charles F |
Sport Management |
Adams, Payton L |
Elementary Education |
Ainsworth, Jon H |
Exercise Science |
Alexander, Charity J |
Elementary Education |
Alexander, Geoffrey |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Alexander, Karrie A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Allen, Adrienne B |
Elementary Education |
Allenbach, Samuel A |
Exercise Science |
Alliston, Koren M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ambrosio Ucalam, Cesaria Antonio |
Sport Management |
Amend, Belinda K |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ammerman, Christian F |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Andregg, Mykah E |
Exercise Science |
Andrews, Josiah C |
Sport Management |
Angleton, Jenny M |
Exercise Science |
Angleton, Kayla M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Anwar, Arauna V |
Athletic Training |
Arnold, Celese B |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Atkeson, Holly O |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Avila, Marina A |
Elementary Education |
Avila, Mayra A |
Early Childhood Unified |
Baden, Matthew P |
Biology 6-12 |
Bailey, Karsten C |
Sport Management |
Balk, Clara E |
Elementary Education |
Balk, Elizabeth M |
Elementary Education |
Ball, Tanner D |
Sport Management |
Banks, Jasmine R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Barnaby, Jessica N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Barnes, Rachel M |
Elementary Education |
Barnum, Anna L |
Elementary Education |
Bartkoski, Chase R |
Elementary Education |
Bartlett, David D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bartonek, Demi M |
Exercise Science |
Base, Hailey N |
Exercise Science |
Basler, Erin L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Batman, Jake W |
Sport Management |
Batt, Kiri C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Baughman, Jordan L |
Exercise Science |
Beam, Hannah M |
Exercise Science |
Beam, Sarah A |
Elementary Education |
Beasley, Aubrea L |
Exercise Science |
Beckner, Angela R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Beemer, Maquela M |
Early Childhood Unified |
Beightel, Dalton G |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Belsan, Samuel M |
History and Government 6-12 |
Benavides, Ross M |
Sport Management |
Bender, Abigail S |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Benzinger, Michelle L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Berlin, Ashley B |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bernauer, Tonya A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Berner, Corbin D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Berry, Jennifer K |
Biology 6-12 |
Bezdek, Bryce J |
Exercise Science |
Bieker, Natasha S |
Athletic Training |
Bischler, Hayley B |
Sport Management |
Bischoff, Mira C |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Bittle, Sarah K |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Black, Christina M |
History and Government 6-12 |
Black, Kaylene |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Black, Lynn M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Black, Matthew P |
Sport Management |
Black, Olivia J |
Elementary Education |
Blanchat, Todd M |
Exercise Science |
Blankenship, Maronda D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Blaske, Yvonne M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bodyk, Jordan S |
Sport Management |
Bogner, Janice R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bollinger, Tammy R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bond, Kristin M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bongartz, Samantha J |
Mathematics 5-8 |
Bowen, Jeremy P |
Sport Management |
Bowen, Monay Y |
Exercise Science |
Bozarth, Kathleen T |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Bradley, Emily L |
Exercise Science |
Branscom, Alexis R |
Elementary Education |
Brashers, Bailey A |
Exercise Science |
Bredehoeft, Shelby L |
Exercise Science |
Bremaud, Carla |
Sport Management |
Brennan, Sarah K |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Brenner, Kyli G |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brink, David R |
Exercise Science |
Brisco, Nathan A |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Broce, Sierra E |
Elementary Education |
Broddle, Emily T |
Elementary Education |
Broughton, James W |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brown, Ethan J |
Sport Management |
Brown, Gina C |
Elementary Education |
Brown, Josie R |
Elementary Education |
Brown, Lataish D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brown, Simeon A |
Sport Management |
Brown, Tabitha R |
Sport Management |
Brown, Tammy J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Browning, Lacey M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brumley, Sharilyn A |
Elementary Education |
Brummer, Kelsey B |
Athletic Training |
Buck, Addison L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Buck, Ryleigh D |
Exercise Science |
Buckbee, Madeline F |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Buford, Taylor J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Burkland, Peyton M |
Sport Management |
Burleson, Jordin A |
Athletic Training |
Burns, Brianna M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Butler, Tara M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Calabria, Payton H |
Elementary Education |
Cantwell, Creston M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Capsey, Andrew T |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Carmichael, Robin C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Carney, Janelle A |
Elementary Education |
Carpenter, Elsa R |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Carroll, Chalynia L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Carroll, Kason J |
Sport Management |
Carson, Dustin C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Carter-Hood, Rayven D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Castillo, Stephanie |
Elementary Education |
Chace, Anna C |
Elementary Education |
Chapman, Devyn J |
Exercise Science |
Chapman, Taylor D |
Sport Management |
Childs, Christopher M |
Sport Management |
Clancy, Brigitte K |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cody, Kathleen D |
Elementary Education |
Cole, Hannah O |
Exercise Science |
Cole, Peyton M |
History and Government 6-12 |
Collette, Dylan B |
Exercise Science |
Collette, Shannon L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Conley, Kirsten L |
Elementary Education |
Conrad, Caleb |
Sport Management |
Conrady, Mechelle L |
Elementary Education |
Conway, Renee L |
Elementary Education |
Cook, Siara |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Corn, Nicholas R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Corn, Shelby L |
Exercise Science |
Cour-Briley, Laurie-Nichol O |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cozad, Michael A |
Sport Management |
Crawford, Austin R |
Elementary Education |
Crimi, Aspen D |
PreK-12 Spanish |
Crites, Braedan S |
Exercise Science |
Crooks, Victoria E |
Athletic Training |
Crossfield, Gina L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Crowder, Brittany R |
Sport Management |
Crynes, Elliot J |
Athletic Training |
Curmode, Kasey P |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dahl, Kassidy M |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Dale, Micaela E |
Sport Management |
Damman, Laike C |
Exercise Science |
Dao, Andy T |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dargel, Megan R |
Early Childhood Unified |
Darrough, Cierra R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Davis, Amber M |
Elementary Education |
Davis, Anita |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Davis, Darrien A |
Elementary Education |
Davison, Rebecca L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
De Jesus, Chrisanna Mae F |
Athletic Training |
De Santiago, Elizabeth C |
Exercise Science |
Deines, Tabetha A |
Elementary Education |
DeMond, Catherine A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Denning, Shea L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Derrico, Laurie A |
Exercise Science |
Deters, Melanie R |
History/English 5-8 |
Dewitt, Laura E |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
DeWitt, Rachel A |
History and Government 6-12 |
Dickerson, Mia D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dickerson, Tanya M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dikeman, Baine G |
History and Government 6-12 |
Dillard, Anna E |
Biology 6-12 |
Dingman, Jordan R |
Sport Management |
Dixon, Shelley F |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Doerflinger, Rachel N |
Elementary Education |
Dotson, Jordan L |
Sport Management |
Drake, Jackson P |
Sport Management |
Dreher, Riley D |
Exercise Science |
Dudeck, Kalie D |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Dutton, Natalie M |
Sport Management |
Eck, Rebecca L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ediger, Ryan J |
Sport Management |
Egley, Ryan M |
Mathematics 5-8 |
Eilts, Ryan B |
Exercise Science |
Elazarig, Dowdy A |
Exercise Science |
Elder, Trisha A |
Sport Management |
Eldridge, Ronald R |
Elementary Education |
Elliott, Cassandra L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Elliott, Taylor R |
Sport Management |
Ellis, Aubrie L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Elsukar, Sarah H |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Emmert, Yannik |
Sport Management |
Engel, Melinda D |
Exercise Science |
Esparza, Valeria |
Elementary Education |
Espinosa, Carly E |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Evans, Sarah R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Farmer, Mary H |
Elementary Education |
Fellhoelter, Olivia S |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ferguson, Jessica E |
Elementary Education |
Figueroa, Isaiah M |
Sport Management |
Filtingberger, Austin D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Finkeldei, Elleana M |
Biology 6-12 |
Flick, Kellie N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Flores, Jessica E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Flores, Shekinah G |
Sport Management |
Flynn, Nicholas J |
Sport Management |
Foley, Melissa M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Foraker, Brett T |
Sport Management |
Fox, Taylin A |
Sport Management |
Francis, Erica M |
Elementary Education |
Franke, Makena A |
Early Childhood Unified |
Frederick, Jacob R |
Sport Management |
Frese, Austin Z |
Sport Management |
Friesen, Morgan A |
Elementary Education |
Funschelle, Aliyah P |
Sport Management |
Funschelle, Jacob J |
Sport Management |
Galloup, John S |
Exercise Science |
Garcia, Gage A |
History and Government 6-12 |
Garcia, Jared R |
Sport Management |
Gardiner, Jessica R |
Exercise Science |
Gardner, Ariona B |
Exercise Science |
Garrett, Ashley N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Garrison, Bethany M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Garwood, Jessica L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gauzy, Adam J |
Exercise Science |
Gibbs, Brittany A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gillenwater, Miranda R |
History and Government 6-12 |
Gillett, Gayle R |
Mathematics 5-8 |
Gobin, Taylor |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Godown, Ashlynn L |
Sport Management |
Goecke, Adam S |
Exercise Science |
Goetzman, Hannah R |
Exercise Science |
Goodpasture, Savannah J |
Early Childhood Unified |
Gourley, Paula M |
Elementary Education |
Grafke, Jeremy D |
Sport Management |
Granzow, Shae E |
Elementary Education |
Green, Jesseca A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Green, Tezia N |
Early Childhood Unified |
Gregory, Caitlyn P |
Science 5-8 |
Griffin, Briana N |
History and Government 6-12 |
Guymon, Elizabeth L |
Sport Management |
Hagan, Molly A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Halfman, Natalie R |
Exercise Science |
Hall, Anson J |
Exercise Science |
Hall, Jaci |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hall, Peyton A |
Elementary Education |
Hall, Zachary T |
Sport Management |
Hamlin, Dalson E |
Biology 6-12 |
Hammerbacher, Jodi D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hampton, Elisha B |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hanson, Elizabeth C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hardin, Benjamin T |
Exercise Science |
Harman, Danielle N |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Harp, Elizabeth A |
Elementary Education |
Harre, Clare E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Harris, Amy L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Harris, Jordan A |
Elementary Education |
Harris, Kristin E |
Elementary Education |
Hart, Kelsey C |
Elementary Education |
Hartman, Ashleigh R |
Elementary Education |
Hartshorne, Amanda I |
Biology 6-12 |
Hatcher, Sara N |
Elementary Education |
Hauff, Andrew L |
Elementary Education |
Havran, Nathan C |
Exercise Science |
Hawkins, Maggie J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hawkinson, Barnabas P |
Biology 6-12 |
Hays, Kimberly D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hays, Kori P |
Elementary Education |
Heaton, Sean M |
Undecided-Education |
Heilig, Heidi J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Heim, Morgan E |
Elementary Education |
Heinrich, Micaela G |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Helms, Larissa M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hempen, Brandy M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Henderson, Kaitlyn L |
Elementary Education |
Heppner, Megan M |
Exercise Science |
Hernandez, Mallory N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hernandez, Xochitl |
Elementary Education |
Hightower, Jordan R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hill, Sasha R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ho, Jonathan N |
Elementary Education |
Hoffine, Dakota J |
Elementary Education |
Hoffman, Stefanie A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Holdt, Jessica D |
Elementary Education |
Holland, LaDeja R |
Athletic Training |
Holloway, Noah |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Holloway, Shauna M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Holt, Carlea R |
Exercise Science |
Hoover, Jade A |
Early Childhood Unified |
Hornung, Johna M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Horsman, Amanda R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Howarah, Bailey E |
Sport Management |
Hubbell, Isaac R |
Exercise Science |
Hudson, Chanda D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hughes, Christopher A |
History and Government 6-12 |
Hulum, Sabrina N |
Exercise Science |
Hurd, Theresa L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Inoue, Haru |
Sport Management |
Isaac, Bryce D |
Exercise Science |
Isbel, Stormi N |
Elementary Education |
Jackson, Alexander M |
Sport Management |
Jackson, Le'Breon R |
Elementary Education |
Jackson, Natalie C |
Athletic Training |
Janack, Madison A |
Elementary Education |
Janzen, Caleb L |
Sport Management |
Jasinski, Hannah I |
Sport Management |
Jay, Griffin P |
Exercise Science |
Jeffries, Charlene M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jindra, Jacob E |
Exercise Science |
Johannsen, Kimberly A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
John, Eryn E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Johnson, Amy L |
Elementary Education |
Johnson, Julia R |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Johnson, Megan R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Johnson, Randy D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Johnston, Sharon K |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jones, Amanda L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jones, Hannah M |
Early Childhood Unified |
Jones, Shelbi D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jones, Tiffany L |
Early Childhood Unified |
Joyal, Ashlyn L |
Mathematics 5-8 |
Joyce, Nicole L |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Keith, Kayla M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Keller, Emma E |
Elementary Education |
Kelley, Kelley A |
Elementary Education |
Kennedy-Ternes, Emilie M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kenney, Hannah B |
Elementary Education |
Kerschen, Izabel T |
Elementary Education |
Kierl, Haleigh C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kimberly, Amie M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kitch, Rebekah R |
Exercise Science |
Klein, Melissa M |
Elementary Education |
Kline, Shayla N |
Elementary Education |
Klusener, Bryant M |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Knibb, Shantal C |
Elementary Education |
Knoffloch, Kelsey C |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Koehler, Trenton T |
Sport Management |
Koenigs, Craig M |
Elementary Education |
Koester, Bryson K |
Exercise Science |
Kohls, Tamara D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Koizumi, Daiki |
Sport Management |
Koltiska, Kade T |
Sport Management |
Koss, Azure M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kretz, Steven L |
History and Government 6-12 |
Krier, Kyrsa L |
Exercise Science |
Kruse, Eric C |
History and Government 6-12 |
Lampson, Rachel R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lanham, Emma L |
Sport Management |
Lansford, Benjamin S |
History and Government 6-12 |
Lapp, Cara M |
Exercise Science |
Larison, Tammara L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Law, Reno R |
Sport Management |
Lazarova, Alexandra |
Sport Management |
Le, Brenda L |
Exercise Science |
Leatherman, Brooke L |
Elementary Education |
Lee, Mikenzie T |
Exercise Science |
Lemanski, Natalie A |
Elementary Education |
Leonardo, Jessica M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lerner, Peyton L |
Sport Management |
Lilley, Katharine A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Linck, Nancy E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lindeman-Thimesch, Chasmyn A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Loomis, Madison S |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Losey, Elizabeth R |
Elementary Education |
Love, Katrina R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Love, Kayla J |
Elementary Education |
Lozada-Cabbage, Sabrina |
Sport Management |
Mace, Jennifer L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Macias, Katlin M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mackey, Abigail E |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Macklin, Sierra D |
Early Childhood Unified |
Madrigal, Araceli |
Exercise Science |
Magee, Cody |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Maloy, Rainey C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mann, Jagdip Singh G |
Exercise Science |
Manning, Kelsey C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Manny, Kyle A |
Exercise Science |
Maples, Raianna D |
Exercise Science |
Marcolesco, Bethany R |
Elementary Education |
Marino, Rosemary P |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Mark, Natalie L |
Elementary Education |
Marten, Jennifer L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Martinez-Diaz, Jocelyn |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mashiki, Yume |
Athletic Training |
Maslinski, Alayna N |
Exercise Science |
Masterson, Ty J |
Athletic Training |
Matney, Amy |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Matsumoto, Takuya |
Athletic Training |
Matteson, Regan M |
History and Government 6-12 |
Matthews, Kelc D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mauk, Margaret S |
Athletic Training |
May, Hazel E |
Early Childhood Unified |
McCarty, Jamye C |
Early Childhood Unified |
Mccaslin, Rachael A |
Elementary Education |
Mccloud, Carlisle J |
Exercise Science |
McClure, Molly E |
Elementary Education |
McCoy, Meredith A |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
McCuistion, Megan R |
Early Childhood Unified |
Mcgaughey, Courtney R |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Mcgettrick, Elizabeth L |
Mathematics 6-12 |
McHenry, Cheyanne M |
Early Childhood Unified |
Mckee, Amanda M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mcquality, Caleb M |
Exercise Science |
Mead, Adrianna H |
Mathematics 5-8 |
Mead, Alex M |
Sport Management |
Meadows, Abigail S |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Meadows, Kelsey L |
Elementary Education |
Melton, Alexandria J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Melugin, Kody L |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Mendez, Marta |
PreK-12 Spanish |
Menjivar, Raquel D |
PreK-12 Spanish |
Menninga, Daniel N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mercado, Yanet |
Elementary Education |
Mercer, William C |
History and Government 6-12 |
Meridith, Keelie A |
Elementary Education |
Meyer, Kara L |
Early Childhood Unified |
Miller, Matthew J |
Chemistry 6-12 |
Milligan, Jalen A |
Exercise Science |
Mitchell, Kristin L |
Elementary Education |
Monk, Devin A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Montgomery, Abigayle L |
Elementary Education |
Morgan, Tyler B |
History and Government 6-12 |
Morris, Zechariah C |
Sport Management |
Mosley, John R |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Moultrie, Janise L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Muninger, Ashlee F |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Munoz, Laura A |
Exercise Science |
Munson, Collin R |
Sport Management |
Murphy, Amanda M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Murray, Aleyah M |
Early Childhood Unified |
Neas, Kristi K |
History and Government 6-12 |
Nestelroad, Cherre A |
Elementary Education |
Nguyen, Leon A |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Nguyen, Shalyn A |
Elementary Education |
Nicholson, Shona A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nickel, Ginny B |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nix, Brandi M |
Early Childhood Unified |
Nottingham, Kirstie J |
Sport Management |
Nunez, Michelle |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Nunnelley, Alexa L |
Early Childhood Unified |
Ochoa, Anna R |
Elementary Education |
O'Hara, Joshua T |
Exercise Science |
Olberding, David J |
Exercise Science |
Oldham, Kylee M |
Elementary Education |
Oliver, Essence L |
Pre-Education |
Oliver, Patricia A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Oneal, Sean R |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Onken, Rachel N |
Elementary Education |
Osborn, Allyson M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ostmeyer, Kristy M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Overman, Blake A |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Parker, Erlena M |
Elementary Education |
Patterson, Melisa C |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Patterson, Zachary T |
History and Government 6-12 |
Pebley, Marina A |
Physics 6-12 |
Pelfrey, Michael A |
Sport Management |
Pentecost, Taelor M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Perkins, Michael A |
Biology 6-12 |
Perry, Ashley R |
Early Childhood Unified |
Peters, Thomas C |
Sport Management |
Phelps, Connor I |
Sport Management |
Philbrick, Lindsey M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Phillips, Karen D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Phillips, Kenneth R |
Elementary Education |
Phillips, Krystine A |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Polhill, Brock A |
Sport Management |
Ponds, Mario R |
Exercise Science |
Povall, Joanne M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Pracht, Kirstyn D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Preston, Cale A |
Exercise Science |
Prickett, Tyler A |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Pummell, Christopher V |
Athletic Training |
Pyle, Austin T |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rainbolt, Rachel N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rainbolt, Tina M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rains, Katrina L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ramirez, Josef P |
Sport Management |
Randa, Jackson V |
Sport Management |
Rathgeber, Trae A |
Athletic Training |
Rau, Trilby J |
Elementary Education |
Rausch, Alexandria C |
Exercise Science |
Redmon, Adriana M |
Elementary Education |
Reed, Hannah E |
Exercise Science |
Reese, Emily A |
Biology 6-12 |
Reichenberger, Emma L |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Reisner, Kirk D |
Exercise Science |
Reynolds, Sarah E |
Exercise Science |
Ricketts, Kristen M |
Science/Math 5-8 |
Rinn, Danielle M |
Sport Management |
Roberson, Mariah E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Roberts, Denise J |
History and Government 6-12 |
Roberts, Kylie A |
Athletic Training |
Rodriguez, Angela P |
Elementary Education |
Rodriguez, Aylin |
Elementary Education |
Rodriguez, Jamie L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rodriguez, Jessica R |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Rohr, Betsy S |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rojas, Dillon R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Roles, Katie L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Roman, Lauren E |
Elementary Education |
Romo Montes, Arvin G |
Sport Management |
Rose, Tori L |
Elementary Education |
Ross, Amber M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ross, Kaitlin R |
Exercise Science |
Rumbaugh, Julie L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ryan, Claire T |
Exercise Science |
Samples, Darla A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sanchez, Alondra |
Sport Management |
Sanchez, Ashley N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sander, Aryn L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sander, Clarice A |
Sport Management |
Sandoval, Jennifer R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Satterfield, Stacy J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Saunders, Alexandra J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Schillaci, Rebecca C |
Elementary Education |
Schinstock, Anna M |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Schmidt, Catherine A |
Elementary Education |
Schmidt, Claire R |
Exercise Science |
Schmidt, Hannah E |
PreK-12 Spanish |
Schnacker, Rita M |
Exercise Science |
Schneider, Alaina R |
Athletic Training |
Schomaker, Darian S |
Early Childhood Unified |
Schrag, Hayden G |
Sport Management |
Schurle, Adelyn |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Schwindt, Melissa D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Scott, McKenzie L |
Elementary Education |
Seems, Deann R |
Elementary Education |
Segura, Barak Cole E |
Sport Management |
Seidel, Jacob B |
Sport Management |
Selaya, Joshua A |
Sport Management |
Sell, Lori K |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Seltzer, Cole A |
Sport Management |
Shank, Connor B |
Sport Management |
Shellenberger, Desiree A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sherman, Hannah M |
Elementary Education |
Shinn, Taylor M |
Elementary Education |
Shinsato, Brandon J |
Exercise Science |
Shirley, Brodric D |
Exercise Science |
Shirley, Della M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Shook, Elly C |
Elementary Education |
Sigwing, Rachel M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Silva, Adam M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sites, Madison G |
Elementary Education |
Slawson, Kelsey A |
Exercise Science |
Smith, Emma M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith, Erin N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith, Jada C |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Smith, Janci S |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith, Lindsey J |
Elementary Education |
Smith, Melissa F |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith, Sydney L |
Elementary Education |
Smith, Tierra G |
Elementary Education |
Snow, Mariah L |
Elementary Education |
Soule, Matthew E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sporing, Dalton T |
Athletic Training |
Stafford, John L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Stafford, Ryan M |
Sport Management |
Steinbarger, Jessica M |
Elementary Education |
Steward, Cassidy L |
Early Childhood Unified |
Stewart, Michelle L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Stineman, Elaine G |
Elementary Education |
Stockmann, Andrew J |
Sport Management |
Strickler, Kaden J |
Athletic Training |
Strode, Katrina A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Stroh, Courtney E |
Elementary Education |
Stroud, Joseph L |
Sport Management |
Sturd, Karlye R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Suarez-Sosa, Kiara |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Sumner, Jordan R |
Sport Management |
Sutcliffe, Deanna G |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sutherland, Allison L |
Earth and Space Science 6-12 |
Swain, Stacy N |
Elementary Education |
Sweet, Abby N |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Tabares, Jasmine |
Elementary Education |
Tangney, Justin L |
Exercise Science |
Tanner, Mckenzie L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tanner, Parker A |
Sport Management |
Taylor, Alexandrea B |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Taylor, Jeffrey A |
Sport Management |
Taylor, Tachina U |
Exercise Science |
Tejano, Jason P |
Exercise Science |
Tepper, Stephen J |
Sport Management |
Terrell, Brielle N |
Sport Management |
Thao, Jonathan V |
Athletic Training |
Thimesch, Mackenzie E |
Exercise Science |
Thomas, Ashlyn G |
Elementary Education |
Thompson, Aubrey-Kae N |
Elementary Education |
Thompson, Conner G |
History and Government 6-12 |
Thompson, Renee M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Thompson, Terren J |
Exercise Science |
Tien, Hoang K |
Exercise Science |
Titus, Laura L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Topel, Mitchell D |
Exercise Science |
Truman, Michelle D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Trussell, Bethany M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tucker, Halla E |
Exercise Science |
Tullis, Jordan D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tullos, Abigail M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Turner, Courtney A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ulmer, Karen E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Valenzuela, Esmeralda G |
Elementary Education |
Valenzuela, Tania |
Elementary Education |
Valverde, Alicia R |
Elementary Education |
Vandine, Jessica R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vanous, Derek E |
Exercise Science |
Vanvooren, David J |
Exercise Science |
Vaughn, Rachel |
Exercise Science |
Veloza, Rachel N |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vernia, Whitney D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vest, Elizabeth G |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Vick, Tanner J |
Athletic Training |
Vickers, Kali R |
Elementary Education |
Vidales, Tonya Y |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vignery, Jordan B |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Villanueva, Elizabeth |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vincent, Alexis K |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vital, Vanessa |
Early Childhood Unified |
Vogel, Jennifer D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vu, Kelly |
History and Government 6-12 |
Wagner, Allison M |
Elementary Education |
Wagoner, Tabitha A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Walker, Lauren A |
Elementary Education |
Wall, Rhiley M |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Wallace, Grayson L |
Sport Management |
Wallace, Monica L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wallace, Paxton M |
Sport Management |
Walls, Madison P |
Exercise Science |
Walter, McKenzie L |
Exercise Science |
Walters, Mitchell L |
Sport Management |
Walz, Ashley L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ward, Amy L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ward, Dillon M |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Warren, Kayla R |
Elementary Education |
Warren, Sarah R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Watkins, Grant W |
PreK-12 Physical Education |
Watson, Christian A |
Sport Management |
Wawzysko, Michelle A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Weber, Monica J |
Mathematics 5-8 |
Wehner, Kerry |
Exercise Science |
Weishaar, Cara R |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wells, Katherine A |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Whisnant, Elizabeth A |
Early Childhood Unified |
White, Colby J |
Sport Management |
Wiebe, Rachel M |
Exercise Science |
Wiens, Grace L |
Early Childhood Unified |
Williams, Chase M |
Sport Management |
Williams, Joan M |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Williams, Jordan |
Sport Management |
Williams, Tyona C |
Elementary Education |
Willis, Sydney L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wilson, Billi J |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wilson, Brianne A |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Wilson, Catherine A |
Elementary Education |
Wilson, Kelsey R |
Athletic Training |
Wilson, Madison P |
Elementary Education |
Wilson, Sydney M |
Biology 6-12 |
Wilton, Adrienne E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Winter, Charice E |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wofford, Madeline M |
Elementary Education |
Wofford, Meagan P |
English-Language Arts 6-12 |
Wolgamott, Benjamin L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wolgast, Kathryn E |
Elementary Education |
Woods, Amber D |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Woods, Shealene R |
Elementary Education |
Woolard, Caitlin G |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wools, Jeannette F |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wright, Charee A |
Elementary Education |
Wright-Liebst, Jessica K |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wyckoff, Tricia L |
ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Yenser, Mary M |
Early Childhood Unified |
Yi, Jason C |
Sport Management |
Yoder, Adam W |
Mathematics 6-12 |
Young, Alexis S |
Early Childhood Unified |
Young, Steven C |
Exercise Science |
Zacker, Scott C |
Sport Management |
Zebedee, Robyn D |
Elementary Education |
Zeller, David H |
History and Government 6-12 |
Zorn, Kendyl E |
Sport Management |