Spring 2021 College of Applied Studies
Dean's Honor Roll
The Dean's Honor Roll lists students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours who achieve a 3.500 GPA or higher for the semester. We congratulate these student for their outstanding academic work!
*Published on 7/6/21
Abernathy | Michelle | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Afsharpour | Melissa | Exercise Science |
Aguilera | Alondra | Spanish |
Aikin | Caitlyn | Mathematics 5-8 |
Ainsworth | Jon | Exercise Science |
Alberg | Shannon | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Allen | Adrienne | Elementary |
Allen | Brookelyn | Exercise Science |
Alling | Chloe | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Alvarez-Raimundo | Maria | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Alwazani | Marah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ambriz | Perla | Exercise Science |
Ammerman | Christian | English 6-12 |
Amos | Katlin | Elementary |
Anderson | Anna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Anderson | Scott | Sport Management |
Andrade | Guadalupe | Elementary |
Anwar | Arauna | Athletic Training |
Arnold | Melissa | English 6-12 |
Arriaga | Leigh | History/Govt 6-12 |
Augustin | Calea | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Avila | Eduardo | History/Govt 6-12 |
Axtell | Shelby | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Azim | Alec | Sport Management |
Baker | Estela | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Baker | John | Mathematics 5-8 |
Baker | Luke | Sport Management |
Bakker | Anne | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Balbuena | Martha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Balk | Clara | Elementary |
Ball | Katrina | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ball | Miah | Exercise Science |
Bally | Samantha | Elementary |
Banke | Shawna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Banks | Bresha | Elementary |
Banta | Jessica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Barber | Jenna | Physical Education |
Barkus | Craig | History/Govt 6-12 |
Barles | Lorenzo | Athletic Training |
Barnes | Faith | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Barrett | Jamie | Elementary |
Barton | Bryan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Basquez | Rachael | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Baumgartner | Shelly | History/Govt 6-12 |
Beat | Tammy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Beauchamp | Dawn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Beavers | Haylee | HistoryComprehensive 5-8 |
Beery | Brittiney | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Behrns | Tara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Belknap | Garret | Sport Management |
Bell | Kayla | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Belshe | Katherine | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Benson | Mariah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Berblinger | Julie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Berkheimer | Cate | Elementary |
Berning | Lili | Elementary |
Berry | Kaci | Physical Education |
Bigham | Emma | History/Govt 6-12 |
Bissell | Debra | Elementary |
Bissell | Kaitlyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bland | SenaKay | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Blessant | Zachary | Sport Management |
Bodyk | Jordan | Sport Management |
Boese | Tayler | Elementary |
Bolen | Joshua | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bonham | Tanner | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Borsdorf-Kirkendoll | Cody | History/Govt 6-12 |
Bosch | Evan | Sport Management |
Bowers | Emily | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bowker | Abigail | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Boxberger | Isabella | Athletic Training |
Brack | JeriLyne | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bradley | Amy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bradley | Emily | Exercise Science |
Branson | Amy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bratton | Kassidy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Breidenstein | Jessica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bremaud | Carla | Sport Management |
Bresette | Eli | Sport Management |
Bromley | Danielle | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brooker | Jerry | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brooks | Katie | Early Childhood Unified |
Brooks | MacKensie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brown | Alexis | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brown | Holly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Brown | Morgan | Early Childhood Unified |
Brummer | Emma | Elementary |
Brundage | Sonjia | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Bruun | Madison | Mathematics 6-12 |
Bunch | Taylor | Elementary |
Burden | Connor | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Burgman | Jada | Sport Management |
Burkland | Peyton | Sport Management |
Burns | Karen | History/Govt 6-12 |
Bush | Brycen | Sport Management |
Buss | Marriah | Sport Management |
Byard | Avery | English 6-12 |
Cable | Joshua | Sport Management |
Campbell | Carley | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Canaday | Caitlin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Capsey | Andrew | Physical Education |
Carbon | Stephanie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Carlson | Theodore | Workforce Leadership |
Carpenter | Elsa | Mathematics 6-12 |
Carpenter | Randi | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Carrizales | Quincy | Mathematics 6-12 |
Carroll | Kason | Sport Management |
Carter | Emma | Elementary |
Casey | Cody | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Castro | Amy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cazares | Suhelen | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Chapman | Alyson | Mathematics 6-12 |
Chappell | Hannah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cheney | Molligene | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Chlebicki | Samantha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Christinat | Chloe | Elementary |
Clapp | Quentin | Exercise Science |
Clare | Kaitlynn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Clark | Emma | Exercise Science |
Clemons | Cade | Sport Management |
Clynch | Chase | English 6-12 |
Cody | Morgyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cole | Hannah | Exercise Science |
Coleman | Jillian | Exercise Science |
Colin | Dalton | Sport Management |
Conley | Katherina | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cook | Jack | Physical Education |
Cook | Mitchell | History/Govt 6-12 |
Cook | Taylor | Mathematics 5-8 |
Coots | Trinity | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cornblum | Couper | Sport Management |
Cotter | Jason | History/Govt 6-12 |
Coulter | Trey | History/Govt 6-12 |
Coverdale | Eryn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cowel | Tricia | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Craig | Allison | Mathematics 6-12 |
Cruce | Amy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Cummings | Bridget | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dahlke | Alyssa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dale | Samantha | Science 5-8 |
Daniels | Terra | Exercise Science |
Daugherty | Ivy | Physics |
Daugherty | Katherine | English 6-12 |
Davis | Amanda | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentic12 |
Davis | Cameron | History/Govt 6-12 |
Davis | Camille | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Davis | Darrien | Elementary |
Day | Casey | Sport Management |
De Jesus | Chrisanna Mae | Athletic Training |
Dearmont | Payton | English 6-12 |
Defebaugh | Tierra | Exercise Science |
Degollado | Valentino | History/Govt 6-12 |
DeGraffenreid | Nathaniel | Workforce Leadership |
Denton | Megan | Elementary |
Dester | Denten | History/Govt 6-12 |
Detherage | Courtney | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Detrick | Allison | English 6-12 |
DeYoung | Siska | Mathematics 5-8 |
Diaz | Denise | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dick | Alan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dickerson | Meghan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dickman | Latisha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dighans | Jayce | Sport Management |
Dilollo | Lidia | Sport Management |
Dockter | Brett | Exercise Science |
Donley | Heidi | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dougherty | Sierra | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Downing | David | History/Govt 6-12 |
Drake | Jackson | Sport Management |
Dryden | Jami | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Duchatschek | Clayton | Exercise Science |
Dudeck | Kalie | English 6-12 |
Duncan | Kimberly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Duncan | Zak | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Dunlavy | Kennedy | Elementary |
Dutton | Rebekah | Early Childhood Unified |
Eck | Olivia | Exercise Science |
Eckart | Sarah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Eddleman | Kathryn | Exercise Science |
Ediger | Allison | Elementary |
Egan | Kyle | Sport Management |
Ehr | Tamara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Eichelberger | Melisa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Elman | Carson | Exercise Science |
Elsukar | Aayah | Elementary |
Engle | Kourtnee | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
English | Desteny | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Enslinger | Jamie | Athletic Training |
Esparza | Johana | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Esparza | Valeria | Elementary |
Eubank | Sara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ewertz | Luke | English 6-12 |
Facio | Stephanie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Farrar | Brett | Sport Management |
Fernandez | Carlos | Exercise Science |
Fialkowski | Tabitha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Finlay | Deven | Sport Management |
Fischer | Robin | Early Childhood Unified |
Fisher | Krista | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Fitzhugh | Charles | History/Govt 6-12 |
Fitzmier | Levi | Workforce Leadership |
Flores | Emlyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Flores | Katie | Elementary |
Florio | Jazmyne | History/Govt 6-12 |
Fonseca | Holly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Fonseca | Sarah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Forbes | Kelsa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Foster | Natalie | Sport Management |
Fouraker | Kelsi | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Fowler | Elizabeth | English 6-12 |
Fox | Cleona | Mathematics 6-12 |
Fox | Jarret | Sport Management |
Fox | Taylin | Sport Management |
Fox | Tia | Mathematics 6-12 |
France | Preston | Sport Management |
Francis | Cristie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Frangenberg | Abigail | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Frazier | Stephanie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Fritz | Jordan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Garcia | Almarosa | Elementary |
Garcia | America | Elementary |
Garcia | Carmella | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Garcia | Christian | History/Govt 6-12 |
Garcia | Jessica | Sport Management |
Garcia | Melissa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Garrett | Scott | History/Govt 6-12 |
Garrison | Hunter | Sport Management |
Gauzy | Adam | Exercise Science |
Gehman | Alexandria | Elementary |
Geiser | Candy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gentry | Mattie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
George | Daniel | Workforce Leadership |
Gibson | Ariana | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gideon | Haddie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Giesy | Nikki | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gilchrist | Tasha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gill | Sarah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gill | Zephyr | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gillenwater | Miranda | History/Govt 6-12 |
Gillispie | Nicole | History/Govt 6-12 |
Gipson | Kaitlyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gladfelter | Alex | History/Govt 6-12 |
Gladow | Ally | Exercise Science |
Glenn | Amanda | English 6-12 |
Goering | Melanie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Gonzales | Daniel | History/Govt 6-12 |
Goodpasture | Savannah | Early Childhood Unified |
Gosselin | Nicole | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Goter | Josie | Physical Education |
Green | Catherine | English 6-12 |
Greenlee | Taryn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Greise | Noah | Sport Management |
Grewell | Jacquelynn | History/Govt 6-12 |
Grier | Marco | Workforce Leadership |
Guevara | Nadine | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Guthrie | Sarah | Exercise Science |
Gutierrez-Sanchez | Diana | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Guymon | Elizabeth | Sport Management |
Haddock | Jasmine | Mathematics 5-8 |
Hall | Colby | Exercise Science |
Hall | Zachary | Sport Management |
Hampton | Anthony | Mathematics 6-12 |
Hanika | Jordan | Exercise Science |
Hansen | Augusta | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hansen | Madisyn | Sport Management |
Harris | Allison | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Harris | Jacob | HistoryComprehensive 5-12 |
Harris | Kailey | Exercise Science |
Harris | Misty | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hart | Kelsey | Elementary |
Harter | Anna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hartshorne | Amanda | Biology |
Haskins | Elizabeth | Elementary |
Hauser | Benjamin | Mathematics 6-12 |
Hawk | Danielle | English 6-12 |
Hayes | Makenna | History/Govt 6-12 |
Heath | Jaxon | Sport Management |
Hegarty | Christian | History/Govt 6-12 |
Heger | Vanessa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Heidrich | Kareena | Elementary |
Hein | Samantha | Elementary |
Henninger | Beau | Exercise Science |
Hensley | Adrian | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hernandez | Diego | History/Govt 6-12 |
Herzberg | Addison | Exercise Science |
Hilton | Harmony | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hipp | Kylee | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hoag | Erika | Physical Education |
Hogue | Angela | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Holmes | Taylor | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hooper | Robert | Exercise Science |
Hopkins | Frank | Workforce Leadership |
Hopkins | Gabriel | Sport Management |
Hottenstein | Drake | Exercise Science |
Hubbell | Abigail | Biology |
Hudson | Abbie | Exercise Science |
Hudson | Denise | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hudson | Katie | Early Childhood Unified |
Hughes | Lacey | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Huninghake | Allee | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Hunnicutt | Benjamin | Elementary |
Hurst | Franklin | Exercise Science |
Hutchison | Autumn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Huynh | Thinh | Exercise Science |
Ikeda | Taro | Exercise Science |
Ingwerson | Megan | Biology |
Ivey | Sarah | Elementary |
Jackson | Amy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jackson | Clara | Exercise Science |
Jamison | Angela | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Janack | Madison | Elementary |
Janssen | Emilee | Elementary |
Janzen | Caden | Sport Management |
Jarchow | Alexander | History/Govt 6-12 |
Jasinski | Hannah | Sport Management |
Jensen | Misty | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jindra | Jacob | Exercise Science |
Johnson-Cao | Taniece | Exercise Science |
Johnston | Mariah | Elementary |
Johnston-Wilson | Kelly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jones | Anthony | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jones | Elizabeth | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Jones | Hannah | Mathematics 6-12 |
Jones | Shanda | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Joplin | Taylor | Elementary |
Joyal | Ashlyn | Mathematics 5-8 |
Jurgensen | Allison | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kaiser | Kiley | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kalscheur | Madeline | Athletic Training |
Kang | Anna Marie | Elementary |
Kannady | Jessica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Karsak | Addison | Exercise Science |
Katz | Hayden | Sport Management |
Kaufman | Daniel | Exercise Science |
Keith | Brooke | Exercise Science |
Kellerman | Catherine | Elementary |
Kelley | Carlie | Elementary |
Kelley | Paige | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kenney | Hannah | Elementary |
Kenyon | Tammy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kerschen | Laura | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kersting | Micah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kesler | Lily | Elementary |
Khalil | Hiba | Exercise Science |
King | Allison | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kinnevan | Jordan | History/Govt 6-8 |
Kirkpatrick | Merry | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kist | Jonathan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kivett | John | Mathematics 6-12 |
Klahr | Danni | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Kloke | Teagan | Athletic Training |
Klosterman | Natalie | Mathematics 6-12 |
Knight | Rochell | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Knight | William | Sport Management |
Knoffloch | Kelsey | English 6-12 |
Koehler | Trenton | Sport Management |
Kohler | Brendan | Sport Management |
Kohlman | Tyler | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Konda | Morgan | Elementary |
Konen | Hannah | Exercise Science |
Kotrba | Sarah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Krehbiel | Rebekah | Exercise Science |
Krones | Isabelle | Exercise Science |
Krstolich | Avery | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
LaForge | Jacob | Biology |
Larkin | Lucas | Earth & Space Science |
Larmer | Codi | English 6-12 |
Lauber | Cristin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lawrence | Julia | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lazarova | Alexandra | Exercise Science |
Lazier | Nicole | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Le | Anne | Elementary |
Le | Brenda | Exercise Science |
Le | John | Exercise Science |
Le | Stacey | Exercise Science |
Leach | Megan | Sport Management |
Leake | Breanna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lee | Haley | Early Childhood Unified |
Legako | Lindsey | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lejuerrne | Rachel | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Leroux | Lake | Exercise Science |
LeSage | Blanca | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lewellen | Madison | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lewis | Jodi | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lindenmeyer | Addison | Athletic Training |
Linder | Chason | Exercise Science |
Livengood | Bethany | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Loflin | Joshua | Exercise Science |
Lopez | Diana | Elementary |
Losey | Elizabeth | Early Childhood Unified |
Love | Pamela | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lowe | Gina | Elementary |
Lower | Spencer | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lucas | Lauren | Sport Management |
Ludolph | Chonnor | Exercise Science |
Lumm | Sara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lupian-Apolinar | Ivan | Workforce Leadership |
Lyles | Taylor | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Lyman | Matthew | Sport Management |
Macari | Alison | Elementary |
Mackey | Abigail | English 6-12 |
Mackey | Grant | Sport Management |
Magee | Cody | Physical Education |
Mahajan | Om Hitendra | Sport Management |
Malache | Gabriela | Exercise Science |
Malone | Jillianne | Elementary |
Manan | Henry | Sport Management |
Maness | Amanda | Elementary |
Mangaza | Miriam | Elementary |
Mann | Madeline | English 6-12 |
Mantz | Raegan | Sport Management |
Marino | Rosemary | English 6-12 |
Marks | Raziya | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Marneris | Kylie | Exercise Science |
Marsh | Mercedes | Elementary |
Marshall | Kandace | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Martin | Amelia | Mathematics 6-12 |
Martin | Devin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Martin | Mackenzie | Athletic Training |
Martinez | Elena | Mathematics 5-8 |
Massey | Haven | English 6-12 |
Massingill | Brandon | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mathews | Amanda | History/Govt 6-12 |
Mathews | Jaray | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Matlock | Jeremy | Sport Management |
Matteson | Margaret | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mauk | Margaret | Athletic Training |
McCartney | Katelyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mcclure | Shelley | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McConnell | Carla | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mccormick | Maggie | Elementary |
McCoy | Victoria | HistoryComprehensive 5-8 |
Mcdaniel | Kylie | Elementary |
McDonald | Kait | Physical Education |
Mcdonald | Trinity | Elementary |
McDonough | Francis | Sport Management |
Mcgruder | Michael | Sport Management |
McGuire | Erin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McIntosh | Jackie | Elementary |
McKernan | Jillian | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McKibben | Katherine | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McKnight | Makayla | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McLaren | Amber | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McLean | Tiffany | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mcmillan | Krystal | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McNabb | Veronica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McNown | Alia | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
McVey | Elizabeth | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mead | Adrianna | Mathematics 5-8 |
Means | Diana | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Meller | Kelsey | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Melugin | Kody | Physical Education |
Mendez | Katie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Menjivar | Raquel | Spanish |
Mercer | Jonathan | History/Govt 6-12 |
Meyer | Courtney | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Meyer | Michelle | English 6-12 |
Michel-Lemus | Ronald | Exercise Science |
Mick | Ashton | Elementary |
Midgett | Kandi | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mijares | Nyla | Elementary |
Mikulecky | Micah | History/Govt 6-12 |
Miles | Marilyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Millar | Talisha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Miller | Aaron | English 6-12 |
Miller | Jennifer | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Miller | Matthew | Chemistry |
Miller | Sarah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Milligan | Jalen | Exercise Science |
Miranda | Jose | Exercise Science |
Miranda | Justin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Moen | Asher | Physical Education |
Monroe | Heath | Sport Management |
Monroe | Jamie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Moody | Meghan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mooney | Kali | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Moore | Kylie | History/Govt 6-12 |
Morales | Amanda | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Morgan | Anne | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Morrison | Deborah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Moss | Gabrielle | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Moss | Nicole | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mouser | Cheyenne | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mowry | Kelli | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Moyer | Shelsie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Mulryan | Alana | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Munstermann | Hannah | Sport Management |
Murphy | Ashley | Early Childhood Unified |
Myers | Stephanie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nanny | Cathrine | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nefzger | Jessica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Neidig | Kara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nelson | Melissa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nesting | Alora | Elementary |
Neufeld | Maggie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nevarez | Kimberly | Elementary |
Newby | Hannah | Elementary |
Newcomer | Tyler | History/Govt 6-12 |
Newlin | Amanda | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Newman | Hannah | Mathematics 5-8 |
Newton | Janie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nguyen | Martin | Exercise Science |
Nichols | Jessica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nichols | Luisa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nicholson | Jessica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Njoku | Mishal | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Nolen | Caitlin | Workforce Leadership |
Noonan | Colton | Athletic Training |
Nussbaum | Jenna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
O'Hair | Rayce | Exercise Science |
O'Meara | Erika | Elementary |
Oatney | Abby | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ocon | Juan | Earth & Space Science |
Oldham | Kylee | Elementary |
Olson | Melody | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
ONeal | Starr | Elementary |
Ormsby | Kari | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Orth | Angela | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Oshakuade | Anthony | Exercise Science |
Osterhaus | Madilyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Owen | Danielle | Elementary |
Owens | Chase | Earth & Space Science |
Owings | Darmin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Oyler | Ashtyn | Athletic Training |
Page | April | Exercise Science |
Paramore | Payton | Athletic Training |
Parish | Victoria | Early Childhood Unified |
Parker | Adam | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Parker | Jade | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Parnell | Kennedy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Parson | Audrey | Exercise Science |
Paschal | Savannah | Spanish |
Patrick | Alexander | Elementary |
Patterson | Kelsey | Elementary |
Patterson | Zachary | History/Govt 6-12 |
Pavey | Brayden | Exercise Science |
Pearce | Jordan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Pearson | Roman | Sport Management |
Pebley | Marina | Physics |
Peck | Laci | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Perkins | Michael | Biology |
Peschka | Jamie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Petersen | Katherine | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Petrakis | Elizabeth | Physical Education |
Peverill | Cheyenne | Elementary |
Pham | John | Exercise Science |
Pham | Steven | Sport Management |
Phan | Leon | Exercise Science |
Phelps | Meagan | Early Childhood Unified |
Phillips | Brandon | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Phillips | Natasha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Piatt | Johna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Pierce | Avery | Sport Management |
Pierson | Alexander | Science 5-8 |
Pieschl | Sierra | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Pikus | John | Physical Education |
Pirotte | Emma | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Pluskis | Matthew | Sport Management |
Poer | Ty | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Polhill | Brock | Sport Management |
Powell | Morgan | Exercise Science |
Powers | Alexandra | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Powers | Bobbie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Powers | Joel | Sport Management |
Pribble | Chloe | Elementary |
Prinsloo | Justin | Sport Management |
Proffer | Sierra | Elementary |
Propst | Katie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Pruitt | Tevin | Sport Management |
Puetz | Nikole | Exercise Science |
Pummell | Christopher | Athletic Training |
Quiring | Janelle | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Racy | Gwendolyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ralston | Parker | Sport Management |
Ramos | Rosaalba | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ramsey | Kellina | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ramsey | Marci | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ray | Michell | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Reed | Crystal | Workforce Leadership |
Rehmert | Mandy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Reichenberger | Cory | Physical Education |
Reinke | Amber | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Reisner | Kirk | Exercise Science |
Renteria-Vargas | Maira | Mathematics 5-8 |
Reuter | Dylan | Exercise Science |
Reyna | Sophia | Exercise Science |
Reynolds | Jayden | Exercise Science |
Rice | Destini | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rice | Nikki | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Richards | Heather | Early Childhood Unified |
Richards | Madison | Sport Management |
Ricketts | Kristen | Mathematics 5-8 |
Riddle | Melissa | Elementary |
Ridpath | Isabel | Elementary |
Rinn | Danielle | Elementary |
Ritter | Dalton | Earth & Space Science |
Roach | Stefani | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Roberts | Jacqueline | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Roberts | Laura | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Roberts | Patricia | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rodriguez Garcia | Aylin | Elementary |
Rogers | Sarah | Biology |
Rohde | Brian | Sport Management |
Rohner | Paige | Mathematics 6-12 |
Rollings | Faith | Elementary |
Roman | Kylie | Elementary |
Roniger | Holly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rose | Emmalee | Sport Management |
Ross | Barbara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ross | Karson | Exercise Science |
Ross | Kimberly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rouse | John | Sport Management |
Rubio | Sandra | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Rundell | Nathan | Sport Management |
Rupp | Gracelyn | Athletic Training |
Rush | Janet | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ryan | Vicki | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sager | Sydney | Elementary |
Salzbrenner | Steven | Sport Management |
Sanchez | Jardin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sanchez | Kira | Early Childhood Unified |
Sankey | Garrett | Sport Management |
Sarnacki | Ronald | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Schaeffer | Emily | Early Childhood Unified |
Schale | Nathan | English 6-12 |
Schaub | Brittany | Elementary |
Schauf | Allison | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Schmidtberger | Kiley | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Schmitt | Trenton | Exercise Science |
Schmitz | Josephine | Elementary |
Schneider | Alaina | Athletic Training |
Schneider | Lucy | Elementary |
Scholl | Theresa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Schreiber | Madeline | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Schroeder | Kelly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Schwemmer | Faith | Mathematics 6-12 |
Scott | Sabryn | Early Childhood Unified |
Scoville | Belinda | Exercise Science |
Segura | Nicholas | Sport Management |
Seidl | Heather | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Shank | Connor | Sport Management |
Shaults | Drew | Sport Management |
Shaw | Tess | Early Childhood Unified |
Sheldon | Amy | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sheler | Ashley | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Shelton | Alma | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Shelton | Lisa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Shenk | Rose | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Shirley | Brodric | Exercise Science |
Shoemaker | Anastasia | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sides | Ashley | Biology |
Sigrist | Jack | Sport Management |
Silverman | Hannah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sims | Justi | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sisemore | Betsey | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Skelton | Emily | Elementary |
Skiles | Karin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Skinner | Caitlynn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Slade | Merissa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith | Dana | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith | Haley | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith | Journey | English 6-12 |
Smith | Megan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith | Melissa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith | Sara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Smith | Tyler | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Snow | Mariah | Early Childhood Unified |
Snowball | Hannah | Athletic Training |
Spackman | Kristen | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sporing | Dalton | Athletic Training |
Sprecker | Elizabeth | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Sproat | Samuel | Sport Management |
Stacy | Sydney | Athletic Training |
Staley | Isabella | Elementary |
Stanhope | Kirsten | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Staton | Brandi | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Stemm | Jack | Athletic Training |
Stenger | Kelsey | Exercise Science |
Stevens | Crystal | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Stevens | Jackson | Elementary |
Stevens | Michael | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Steward | Cassidy | Early Childhood Unified |
Stice | Lisa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Stiles | Tucker | Sport Management |
Stineman | Elaine | Elementary |
Stithem | Kadi | Biology |
Stolfi | Lily | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Strathe | Nathan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Strawn | Brayden | Biology |
Stroh | Seth | Sport Management |
Stroh | Sydney | Exercise Science |
Strong | Asia | Sport Management |
Stucky | Casey | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Stutts | John | Sport Management |
Suarez-Sosa | Kiara | English 6-12 |
Surmeier | Madison | Sport Management |
Swayne | Xander | Exercise Science |
Swift | Olivia | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tackitt | Adelyn | Exercise Science |
Tapia | Gabrielle | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Taylor | Leanna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Teeter | Rena | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Terrell | Brielle | Sport Management |
Terry | Neil | Biology |
Thach | Alec | Sport Management |
Thayer | Timothy | Workforce Leadership |
Thompson | Chelsey | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Thompson | Jessica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Thompson | Lauren | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Thornton | Caleb | English 6-12 |
Thornton | Caleb | English 6-12 |
Thornton | Mary | Mathematics 5-8 |
Thurnau | Karina | Elementary |
Tidemann | Morgan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tierney | Sherri | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tillotson | Annette | Early Childhood Unified |
Tilson | Morgan | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tkaczyk | Amanda | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Todd | Alexandria | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Todd | Kelsey | Early Childhood Unified |
Tollefson | Aaron | Sport Management |
Tomson | Paige | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Topel | Katrina | Elementary |
Topel | Mitchell | Exercise Science |
Townsend | Ashley | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Tran | Tri | Exercise Science |
Treadwell | Abigail | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Trent | Frederick | Workforce Leadership |
Troyer | Cody | Sport Management |
Tucker | Mary | Elementary |
Tucker | Olivia | Sport Management |
Turner | Malory | Elementary |
Turso | Sebastian | Sport Management |
Tuthill | Riane | Athletic Training |
Uhrmacher | Jacob | Elementary |
Uluave | Sinalaulii | Exercise Science |
Upham | Deanna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Urbina | Daniella | Exercise Science |
Urias | Jamie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Uribe | Rafael | Exercise Science |
Urzua | Monica | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vanvooren | David | Sport Management |
Vargas | Karime | Exercise Science |
Vaughn | Rachel | Exercise Science |
Veach | Quinn | Sport Management |
Vest | Kylie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vest | Melissa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vongsena | Tudsaley | Elementary |
Voran | Alyson | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Vossen | Katelyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wagner | Allison | Elementary |
Wagoner | Shelby | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Walker | Abigale | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wallace | Grayson | Sport Management |
Waller | Caitlynn | Elementary |
Walter | Erin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Walton | MaKayla | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Ward | Christian | Physical Education |
Ward | Kaylee | English 6-12 |
Warden | Jocelyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Warfield | Alexandra | Early Childhood Unified |
Watkins | Grant | Physical Education |
Watkins | Jace | Sport Management |
Watts | Courtney | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Weber | Sloan | English 6-12 |
Wedel | Riley | Physical Education |
Wedel | Tanner | Physical Education |
Weiss | Misty | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wendorff | Holly | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Werner | Heather | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Whetzell | Samantha | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
White | Melissa | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
White | Tara | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Whitmer | Leanna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wiggins | Klanci | Mathematics 5-8 |
Williams | Kate | Athletic Training |
Wilson | Brianne | Mathematics 6-12 |
Wilson | Gianna | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wilson | Hannah | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wilson | Sydney | Biology |
Winegarner | Makalyn | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Winter | Gabrielle | English 6-12 |
Witthuhn | Brayden | Elementary |
Wochner | Marcus | Exercise Science |
Wolf | Spring | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wolke | Miranda | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wood | Brenden | Physics |
Wood | Shelby | Elementary |
Wordsworth | Kyle | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Worsham | Kandace | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wright | Mackenzie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wright | Michelle | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Wright | Riley | History/Govt 6-12 |
Wuensch | McKayla | Sport Management |
Yabut | Christian | Exercise Science |
Yale | Cheyenne | English 6-12 |
Yenser | Mary | Early Childhood Unified |
Yoder | Emily | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
York | Haylie | Elementary |
Young | Collin | History/Govt 6-12 |
Young | Stephanie | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |
Zacker | Scott | Sport Management |
Zebedee | Robyn | Elementary |
Zerr | Amber | Exercise Science |
Zinn Stahly | Katelyn | English 6-12 |
Zorn | Kendyl | Sport Management |
Zrubek | Elizabeth | Elementary |
Zuelke | Erin | ECU/Elementary Educ Apprentice |