Message from the Department Chair

As a part of the W. Frank Barton School of Business at Wichita State University, the Department of Economics is committed to excellence in teaching, research and publication. We're also strongly interested in supporting the local community as well as serving the university community. We are involved in national and international organizations and programs that expand our horizons and bring us new ideas and associates. These contacts benefit our students through scholarships and exchange programs that offer unique opportunities for travel and learning outside the everyday experience.

In this site you will find information on programs we offer and the requirements to obtain a Bachelor's, Master's or Minor in Economics. You can browse through our course catalog where we have provided course descriptions for students' use in planning or transferring credits. Also in this site we introduce you to our faculty members along with brief information about their research interests and areas of teaching expertise.

We want this site to be of great service to our students, so browse through and let us know what you think. If you prefer the old fashion way of communicating, please give us a call at (316) 978-3220 or drop by the office at 115 Clinton Hall. It's on the first floor of our home in the Barton School of Business.

Jen-Chi Cheng,
Chair, Department of Economics