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Ethics Grand Rounds

Photo of Ian S. Peebles

Date: Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Time: Noon EST

 Speaker:   Ian S. Peebles, PhD

 Title:  “Tools to Help Resolve Racial Health Disparities”

Talk Description:  The dominant views in bioethics today understand race to be a sociopolitical construct in all healthcare contexts and racism to be fundamentally structural and consequence-based.  Contrary to these views, I will argue that a pluralist race theory and a virtue-based account of racism best enable us to resolve racial (and ethnic) health disparities.  The upshot of these alternative frameworks is a more comprehensive, practical, and relevantly accurate approach to detecting some of the relevant mechanisms implicated in racial health disparities.

Via Webex:  https://albanymed.webex.com/albanymed/j.php?MTID=m2671943f5d1530240e2b371670c39cf6

By Phone:  1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

Meeting Number/Access Code: 230 779 19558

Ian S. Peebles is the Harold T. Shapiro Postdoctoral Research Associate in Bioethics at the Princeton University Center for Human Values, where his research and teaching focus on normative ethics, bio/neuroethics, the philosophy of race, and their intersections.  More information can be found on his personal website.


Please join us!  There will be plenty of time for questions afterwards!