Funded Research and Industry Projects
  • NSF Award CMMI 1662819, “Collaborative Research: Radiotherapy Planning for Organ Motion Management”, National Science Foundation, 5/15/2017-4/20/2020, $243,714.00, Role: Principal Investigator
  • Award for Research/Creative Projects (ARC), “Nurse Staffing and Skill-Mix Decisions in Inpatient Care Settings”, WSU, 5/2017-8/2017, $4,000, Role: Principal Investigator
  • University Research/Creative Projects Award (URCA), “Biologically-Guided Radiotherapy Treatment Plan Optimization”, WSU, 7/2014-6/2015, $4,500.00, Role: Principal Investigator
  • Flossie West Memorial Foundation Award, “Exact and Heuristic Methods for Analyzing the Trade-off Between Quality and Efficiency of IMRT Treatment Plans”, WSU, 5/2014-4/2015, $25,000.00, Role: Principal Investigator
  • Aerotech Engineering Inc., “Development of Facility Layout for the Aerotech Facility”, 5/2015-4/2016, $50,887, Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • RedGuard Inc., “Development of Facility Layout and Production Systems for the New RedGuard USA Facility”, 9/2014-8/2015, $80,000.00, Role: Co-Principal Investigator