
Shocker MINDSTORMS Challenge

Rules and Information


Apprentice Missions are basic challenges designed for entry-level teams that are just getting started, or teams that need a little more practice before competing on the Professional Missions. NOTE: First-year teams DO NOT have to participate in the Beginner Levels. Beginner and Beginner II Level teams compete on the Apprentice Missions. Apprentice courses will be available on Trial Day, March 09, 2019, for teams to practice.

ALL Apprentice courses have multiple levels of scoring. Apprentice courses have a 3-minute time limit.

Professional Missions are different each year. Professional Missions are build by volunteers, primarily experienced team coaches. They undergo a rigorous review by professional engineers to ensure accuracy in measurements, drawings, and presentation. Intermediate and Expert Level teams compete on Professional Missions. These Missions will be posted to the website on January 12, 2019. Professional courses will be available on Trial Day, March 09, 2019, for teams to practice.

ALL missions have multiple levels of scoring. Unless otherwise designated, Professional courses have a 5-minute time limit.


Please read carefully to determine which level is appropriate for your team. You will be required to register your team in one of these levels when registering for the Challenge

Beginner Level -- Beginner teams will compete on the Apprentice Missions. Each has multiple levels of scoring for easy entry with stages of additional challenge. In order to be considered for Beginner Level Awards, a team must score points on three of the five Apprentice Missions and complete the Team Interview, Team Display, and Team Notebook. (Each team may run all Apprentice Missions, but only the best three scores will count towards the total score.) Beginner teams must consist of 5-12 students.

Beginner II Level -- Beginner II teams will compete on the Apprentice Missions. Each has multiple levels of scoring for easy entry with stages of additional challenge. In order to be considered for Beginner II Level Awards, a team must score points on four of the five Apprentice Missions and complete the Team Interview, Team Display, and Team Notebook. (Each team may run all Apprentice Missions, but only the best four scores will count towards the total score.) Beginner II teams must consist of 5-12 students.

Intermediate Level -- Intermediate teams will compete on the Professional Missions. In order to be considered for Intermediate Level Awards, a team must score points on three of the five Professional Missions and complete the Team Presentation, Team Display, and Team Notebook. (Each team may run all Professional Missions, but only the best three scores will count towards the total score.) Intermediate teams must consist of 8-18 students.

Expert Level -- Expert teams will compete on the Professional Missions. In order to be considered for the Expert Level Awards, a team must score points on five of the five Professional Missions and complete the Team Presentation, Team Display, and Team Notebook. Expert teams must consist of 8-18 students.

The table below helps clarify the requirements for each level:


All team members must be currently enrolled in grades 3-8, or be 8-14 years of age on the day of the MINDSTORMS Challenge. One unique coach (18 or over) must sponsor each team. More coaches and supervision are encouraged, but one unique coach must represent each team. The coach does not have to be a teacher. The coach can be any adult (18 or over) who supervises, provides support, and represents one unique team. Teams may be formed from any combination of students (grades 3-8, or ages 8-14 (age on Challenge Day)) representing any combination of schools, homeschools, Girl Scout/Boy Scout troops, after-school groups, etc.

  • Beginner and Beginner II teams must have 5-12 registered team members
  • Intermediate and Expert teams must have 8-18 registered team members


Teams may use multiple EV3 on Challenge Day. Only one EV3 can be included/contained in any robot that is used for official runs. All robots must be built using OFFICIAL LEGO PARTS. This includes an unlimited number and kinds of motors, sensors, tires, bricks, etc. (Packing used in LEGO kits or any other items that are not "official LEGO" parts cannot be used.)

There are no limits to the software language that can be used to program your robot.

No form of remote control can be used in the missions including the LEGO remote control that can be purchased separately. Each robot must be programmed to perform autonomously and can have NO human contact of any kind during the mission unless it is specified in the mission guidelines. Anyone using a remote device to control any EV3 will be disqualified.

Official Runs

Points will ONLY be given when a team states to the judges that they are making an official run for points prior to the beginning of their attempt. Teams may make TWO official runs and will be awarded the points for the highest of the two runs.

Practice Runs

Teams may practice on the mission boards at the judges' discretion. Priority will be given to teams that are ready to run the course for points (official runs). The time period and number of sequential practice runs is up to the judges' discretion based on the time available and the number of teams waiting in line for practice runs. All judges' decisions are FINAL.

Teams making official runs will have priority! Any team currently waiting to make a practice run will be "bumped". The bumped team will be able to "stand-on-deck" for the next practice run on that course.