Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Power Systems Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
College of Engineering
Other EECS classes:
Control Systems:
ECE 684. Introductory Control System Concepts
ECE 754. Probabilistic Methods in Systems
ECE 792. State Variables
ECE 854. Stochastic Control Systems
ECE 884. Discrete-Time Control Systems
ECE 893. Optimal Control
ECE 895. Nonlinear Control Theory
ECE 993. Large Scale Control Systems
ECE 582. Distributed Parameter Circuits.
ECE 594. Microprocessor Based System Design
ECE 636. Telecommunications
ECE 781. Analog Filters
ECE 782. Digital Signal Processing
ECE 842. Modern Filters
ECE 845. Adaptive Filters
Other Engineering Classes:
AE 527. Numerical Methods in Engineering
IE 524. Engineering Probability and Statistics II
IE 557. Safety Engineering
IE 563. Facilities Planning and Design
IE 664. Engineering Management
IE 754. Reliability and Maintainability Engineering
IE 755. Design of Experiments
IE 835. Applied Forecasting Methods
IE 877. Foundations of Neural Networks
IE 956. Knowledge-Based Systems
ME 502. Thermodynamics II
ME 521. Fluid Mechanics
ME 522. Heat Transfer
ME 523. Fluid and Heat Flow Laboratory
ME 602. Engineering for the Environment
ME 641. Thermal Systems Design
ME 667. Mechanical Properties of Materials I
ME 734. Solar Engineering
ME 755. Intermediate Thermodynamics
ME 759. Neural Networks for Control
ME 847. Applied Automation and Control Systems
ME 856. Advanced Thermodynamics
Econ. 617. Economics of Regulation
Econ. 672. International Economics and Business
Econ. 847. Speculative Markets
Fin. 622. Futures and Options Markets
Fin. 822. Risk Management with Options and Futures
Math 551. Numerical Methods
Math 553. Mathematical Models
Math 757. Engineering Mathematics I
Math 758. Engineering Mathematics II