Thank you for your interest in applying for Shocker Engineering Academy!

Please complete the following application and submit it to the College of Engineering by midnight on Monday, May 1, 2023.  

We recommend you print this page before you click on the Submit button.  You should receive a message in the browser after you click on Submit that verifies your application was saved.

Provide your WSU ID. This will be in the form of 'a123b456'.
Please provide an email address that you will be able to access and monitor over the summer (once your current classes complete).
Please provide a 10-digit cell phone number. Numbers only.
Please enter your street address
Please enter the city for your mailing address.
Please enter the state for your mailing address.
Please enter the zip code for your mailing address
You must be 18 by August 13, 2023 to qualify for consideration.
Sex assigned at birth*
Optional: If you would like to self-identify your gender identity or gender expression, please provide it here.
Race (select all that apply)*
Select all that apply
Are you a US Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident?*
You must indicate whether you are a US Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident to be considered for this program.
Are you a First Generation student?*
First generation means neither parent/legal guardian completed a Bachelor degree
Are you a *
Please identify the High School or Community College (with state) you graduated (or will graduate) from.
Please enter your current overall GPA
Enter the number of college credit hours you have earned prior to entering WSU. Enter 0 for none.
Select your College of Engineering field*
Please indicate when you plan to attend WSU Orientation. Please do not select Aug 14-19 2022 as this will be SEA activities.
Commitment to WSU*
Please indicate how committed you are to attending WSU in the fall of 2022
Do you plan to live on campus?*
You must indicate if you plan to live on campus.
What is your T-Shirt Size?*
Do you have a disability?*
Optional: Please identify any dietary or other accommodations we should be aware of as we plan for Welcome Week events.
What math class do you plan to enroll in for Fall 2022?*
Please identify the class if you selected 'other' above
Are you taking General Chemistry 211/L in Fall 2023? *

Optional: Please provide a profile pic that we can use for a badge you wear during Welcome Week activities. Please select a clear pic of your face, with a nice smile, and preferably cropped to a square.
If you wish to keep a copy of your application, you need to use your browser's 'Print' option before you click on 'Submit'.

Thank you for applying to Shocker Engineering Academy.