Fall 2016 Physics Seminars

Supported by the Eddy and April Lucas Fund

Wednesdays 2:00 to 3:00 PM, in Jabara Hall room 128
Date Speaker Title Slides Audio
24 Aug. SPS room (Jabara 030) at 12:30 Physics Welcome Back Lunch
31 Aug.
7 Sept.
14 Sept. Dr. Evan Niner, Fermilab, Illinois New Neutrino Oscillation Results from the NOvA Experiment pdf mp3
21 Sept. Dr. James Schwartz, Wichita State University, Philosophy Dept. Planetary Protection Policy pdf mp3
28 Sept. Dr. Tobias Neumann, The University at Buffalo SUNY, New York The Higgs Boson at High pt html mp3
29 Sept. (special day, 2PM) Dr. Thayne Currie, NAOJ/Subaru Telescope, Hilo, HI Imaging Planets around other Stars pptx mp3
5 Oct. Dr. Vaia Papadimitriou, Fermilab, Illinois Technical Challenges for the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility and DUNE pptx, pdf mp3
12 Oct. Prof. Jerry Peterson, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder Thick target methods for nuclear science ppt, pdf mp3
19 Oct. Dr. Larry Nodulman, Argonne National Lab Physics Impact of the Tevatron Collider, a CDF veteran’s view pdf mp3
26 Oct. Prof. James Ho (emeritus) Wichita State University, and Taiwan Academy of Science Low temperature physics: How low is low and how low do we have to go? pptx mp3
2 Nov.
9 Nov. Dr. Kael Hanson, Director Ice-cube Particle Astrophysics Center, Wisconsin Multi-messenger Astrophysics at the South Pole with Neutrinos pptx mp3
15 Nov. 4:00 JB127 Prof. Stephen T. Dye, Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu Watkins Public Talk: Phlegethon, Hadean heralds, and the Ring of Gyges pdf mp3
16 Nov. Prof. Stephen T. Dye, Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu Measuring Potassium and Mantle Geo-neutrinos pdf1, pdf2 mp3
23 Nov. Day before Thanksgiving
30 Nov. Prof. Nickolas Solomey, Wichita State University, Kansas Exploring the Secrets of the Neutrino and Dark-Matter with a Space-probe pdf mp3
7 Dec.

Physics seminars in past semesters