- Unionid mussels of the Walnut River Basin, Kansas: A comparative biogeographical study
of past and present distributions
- Wintering birds and energy storage: Testing an alternative hypothesis
- West Nile virus and natural bird populations
- Cadmium Binding to Bacterial Cells
- Characterization of Equine Chorinonic Gonadotropin Glycosylation Across Pregnancy
- Characterization of the Microbial Community of the Great Salt Plains of Oklahoma
- Comparison of eLH vs eCG Isoform Glycosylation
- Determining the Role of Stromal-Epithelial Dynamics in Estrogen-Dependent Uterine
- Effects of Chronic Contamination of Mixtures of Agricultural Chemicals on Metamorphosis
in Xenopus laevis
- Effects of the Herbicide Atrazine on Predator Avoidance Behavior in Amphibians
- Effects of the Herbicide Atrazine on Schooling Behavior and Kin Recognition in Amphibians
- Mechanisms of Neonatal Endocrine Disruption in Male Reproductive Development
- Molecular Ecology of Nitrogenase Genes in Prairie Soils
- Molecular Ecology of Nitrogenase Genes in Rice Paddies
- Molecular Targets of Perinatal Endocrine Disruption
- Nesting Site Characteristics of Cooper's Hawk in Southeastern Kansas
- Use of Fluctuating Asymmetry as a Bioindicator of Condition in Bluegill Sunfish: Applications
to Fisheries Management
- X-ray Microscopy Analysis of the Bacteria-Metal-Mineral Interface