- Adewunmi, Morounmubo Olufunnke Helminthes Parasitism of Sturnus vulgaris
- Allenbach, Dawn M. Higher Fluctuating Asymmetry Increases Mortality of Fishes Subjected to Acute Pesticide Stress
- Angelo, Robert T. The Benthos of the Chikaskia River
- Axman, Sister Mary Claudine History of the Study of Human Parasitology in the United States
- Bae, Yangjin Analysis of the Corticosteroid Binding Globulin (CGB) Gene in Pregnant Hamster
- Baharaeen, Siavash Phylogenic Taxonomy of the Six New Hansenula Species
- Barnes, Earnest E. Early Detection of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus
- Barrier, Janice Pauline Lunar Rhythm of Human Neurotransmitter-Like Factors
- Belden, Jason Impacts of Atrazine of OP Toxicity to C. tentans
- Bish, John T. Colonial Variation in Candida albicans
- Blevins, Gary H. Foraging Behavior of 3 Heteromyid Rodents
- Blood, Rozella The Anatomy of Pyrota Mylabrina (Chev.)
- Bradley, Jenifer Ann Auditory Stimuli as Enrichment for a Group of Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
- Brooks, William Gerald Results of Nicotine Feeding Upon the Pituitary Gland of an Albino Rat
- Bryant, Steven A. Early and Late Antigens of Human Cytomegalovirus
- Bubieniec, E.J. Wisconsin Discomycetes
- Buhr, Bruce R. Tryptophan and Serotonin Metabolism in the CD-1 Mouse
- Bulla, Kerry missing
- Busbee, David Loyd Inactivation of Candida albicans by Ultraviolet Irradiation
- Chamseddine, Ali H. Investigation of Cell-to-Cell Adhesion-Dependent Signaling in P19 Cells
- Charlton, Cynthia K. Identification of Mouse Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Mutations
- Chelle, Carl S. J. Ultraviolet Recovery in Tremella and Cryptococcus
- Cho, Sangbun C. The Effect of Maternal Blood Phenylalanine Level on Mouse Maternal Phenylketonuria Offspring
- Cimprich, Roberta S. Precipitin Diagnosis of Histoplasmosis
- Claassen, Victor P. Unionacean Mussels of the Chikaskia River Basin
- Cobden, Selma Edith Studies of the Retinal Pigment of The Embryo Chick
- Cope, Charles H. Unionid Mussels-Little Arkansas River Basin, KS
- Cornell, Kenneth A. Isolation and Characterizations of a Phage from Bt
- Cutts, J. Lynn The Use of Silver Stain in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Immunoprecipitates
- Davies, Robert Milton Limnological Study of a South Central Kansas Stream
- Davis, Nathan M. Evaluating Best Management Practices at an Urban Golf Course
- Dulohery, Susan M. Humoral Aspects of Experimental Murine Histoplasmosis
- Duncan, Donald D. Regulation of Cadherin/Beta-Catenin Assembly in Mouse Brain by FYN Tyrosine Kinase
- Durand, Phillip W. Effects of THC on Larval Development in the Frog
- Durfee, Karen Kay CIE of Excreted Group A Strep Polysaccharide
- Eaton, Holly J. Assessment of Water Quality in Wichita, KS
- Eberhart, Johann Characterization of the Expression of a Cadherin-9 in Mouse Brain
- Edmundson, Mary J. Studies on Cerebellar Maturation in Larval Frogs
- Eftekhar, Fereshteh Bacteriophage Transfection of Heterologous Spheroplasts
- Elliott, Sandra K. Annual Reproductive Morphology of Eumeses obsoletus
- Eisenhauer, James Bruce Relationship Between Acute Toxicity and Heterozygosity in the Amphipod, Hyalella azteca
- Everhart, Michael J. The Limnology of the Whitewater River
- Ewert, Tommy R. A Lichen Transplant Study
- Fallis, Pamela Alma Meyer The Structure, Function, and Evolution of tRNA
- Faro, Sebastian John Demonstration of Heterokaryosis in Muco mucedo Through the Use of Biochemical Mutants
- Fiore, Carol A. The Ecological Implications of Urban Domestic Cat Predation on Birds in the City of Wichita, Kansas
- Forrest, Susan L. Effects of DDT on Adherens Junction Proteins in MDCK Cells
- Fowler, Gregory L. Studies of the Induction by Allyl Glycine of Heritable Respiratory Deficiency in Saccharomyces and Its Conditioning by Natural Amino Acids
- Fox, Sandra L. Ovarian and Oviductal Morphology in Two Lizard Species
- Foxall, J. Carrol Characterization of HCMV Antigenic Polypeptides
- Frary, Sherilyn G. The Impact of Man on the Tallgrass Prairie
- Gardner Jr., Francis E. Cholinergic Differentiation of Cockroach Ganglia
- Gardner, Terryl A. Serotonin Biosynthesis after Repeated Tryptophan
- Goering, Richard Vernon Evidence of Temperature-Sensitive Non-Genetic Repair in Candida albicans
- Gotschall, Russell missing
- Graham, Dennis W. Host-parasite Relationships of Telorchis corti
- Graham, Karen missing
- Gray, Lawrence J. Ecological Impact of Arkansas River Navigation
- Gray, Lloyd S. Effect of Light on Larval Frog Development
- Greene, Julia M. Multiple Insemination in the Mosquitofish
- Hacker, Rose A. Uniionid Mussels of the Walnut River, Kansas
- Haefele, Mark J. Molecular Characterization of the Phenylalanine Hydroxylas PAHehu Mutation
- Harms, Robin L. The Characterization of Porphyrin from Bacillus thuringiensis
- Higgins, Norman Patrick The Effects of Lipids on Irradiated Cells of C. albicans
- Hopton, Mark R Pre-Illumination Activation in Hansenula
- Howe, Edwin W. Effect of Constant Temperature
- Ireland, Rosa Lee Minute-Rough Variant of Candida albicans
- Jensen, Allen A. Limnology of the Little Walnut River (A Preliminary Study)
- Jobson, Darrell R. A Foraging Strategy of Buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides, in a Patch Environment
- Johnson, Karen S. Antimicrobial Suspectibility Testing
- Jones, Larry E. Correlation of GBM Width and Proteinuria
- Jones, Marilyn J. Partitioning of Benzo(a)Pyrene in the Pregnant Laboratory Mouse
- Keith, Catherine L. A Limnological Study of Three Kansas Streams
- Klaus, Shelly A. Characterization of Sarcosin Expression Patterns During Myogenesis
- Kohler, Steven L. Impart of Wichita on the Arkansas River
- Krishnamoorthy, Neela missing
- Krkosska, Dalene Effects of Amino Acids on the Growth of Candida
- Lasater, John A. Limnology of the Little Walnut River and Hickory Creek
- Lee, Shwu-Ching Interactions in Effects of NAL & U.V. on C. albicans
- Limberg, Franklin H. Aquatic Fungi of Santa Fe Lake, Kansas
- Lin, Guang X. missing
- Linden, Gabriele Characterization of a Novel Human Muscle-Specific cDNA
- Livesay, Larry A. The Limnology of the West Branch Whitewater River
- Loewen, Jonathan Adenosine Modulation of Dynorphin B Release
- Long, John M. Liquid Holding Recovery from U.V. Radiation in Yeast
- Lundy, Kendall D. missing--Effects of a Late-Spring Prairie Burn on the Demographic and Genetic Structure of Peromyscus maniculatus and Leucopus Populations
- Martin, Scott E. Ribosomal Proteins of Drug-Resistant B. subtilis
- Masson, Greg R. Uterine Vascularity in Three Oviparous Lizards
- McRoberts, Donald D Cochlea and Coclearis in the Fetal Albino Rat
- Montanez, Cindy missing
- Nebergall, Robbie missing
- Nguyen, Van Thi Structure-Function Study with Equine/Mammalian Chimeric Gonadotropin Alpha Subunits
- Nicolas, Natalie missing
- Nimmo, Del Wayne R. Role of Molecules in Ceriodaphnia
- Norris, Byron K. Olfactory Input to Grog Brain Habenular Nuclei
- Norris, Jack D. Environmental Effects upon Dimorphism in C. albicans
- Obholz, Kevin L Characterization of Muscle-Specific Human sarcosin Transcripts
- Osifuye, Joyce Ololade Helminth Parasites in Dogs & Toxocara Sp. In Soil
- Paddock, Winifred Spermatogenesis in Chrysochus airatus FAB1
- Park, Chae Gyu missing
- Parker, Susan L. Genetic Variation as a Bioindicator of Stress
- Pearson, Mark S. Phosphorus and Organic Matter Amendments on Bioavailability
- Pettriess, Roberta W. Amphotericin B Mutants of Candida albicans
- Porter, Richard Numbers of Rohon-Beard Cells in Larval Frogs
- Rand, Matt S. Sexual Maturation in Crotaphytus collaris
- Reed, Amanda K. Unionid Mussels Of The Walnut River Basin, Kansas: A Comparative Biogeographical Study Of Past And Present Distributions
- Rensner, Donald P. A Comparative Study of the Interstitial Fauna of Three Sites on the Ninnescah River
- Rhoads, Daniel D. In vitro Photoreactivation in Hansenula
- Rhoads, Douglas D. Hybridization of Candida albicans through Fusion of Protoplasts
- Riffel Jr., Fred A. Variation - Life & Death Factors - S.E. Ganglion
- Roark, Shaun missing
- Santhanam, Usha Ultraviolet-Induced Mutagenesis in Proteus
- Saunders, Steve Effects of Salinity on Nitrogen Allocation Patters Among Inland Halophytes
- Schaplowsky, Alphonse The Effect of Agenized Wheat Flour on the Albino Rat
- Schmeidler III, Norbert J. Demography and Genetics of Fundulus zebrinus Populations
- Schraeder, Tara D. Analysis of DN-cadherin mRNA expression in Drosophila using RT-PCR
- Schroeder, Paul The Preliminary Isolation and Characterization of Blood-Borne Neurotransmitter-like Substances in the Rabbit
- Sedlacek, Roger Genetic Metabolic & Biochemical Evidence for Designation of Isolate DG1 as a Group II Methanotrop
- Sheck, Marcile S. Characterization of Cockroach Foregut
- Sheykoleslam, Rosa missing
- Shutt, Charles B. Hypo-and Hypervitaminosis-A as Teratogens
- Skeels, Michael Comparison of Drug-Resistant B. subtilis
- Smith, David L. Recovery of Benthos in Cowskin Creek, Kansas
- Strong, Amy J. Modification and Utilization of an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for the Little Arkansas River Basin, Kansas
- Studer, Werner A. Adrenergic Compounds in the CNS of the Roach
- Suter, John The Effects of Cytokineson Luteal Function
- Swartz, Mary E. Characterization of Hybridization Between Two Annual Sunflower Species Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris
- Sweazy, Robert M. Comparative Ecology of Two Streams
- Tanner, Carol G. Burro Antibodies to Histoplasma capsulatum
- Ternes, Mark A. Feeding Effects on the Acute Toxicity to Chronomus tentans Exposed to Pesticides at Various Temperatures
- Thomason, Dwayne B. Clostridium perfringens and Serum LDH
- Thompson, Mary E. Salivary Glands of the Albino Rat
- Titcomb, Dorcas A Local Environmental Survey of Aeromonas species
- Trizna, Walter Photoreactivation in selected species of
- Truesdell, Tamra L. Serotonin Biosynthesis after Tryptophan Treatment
- Turkle, Janet K. 5FC: Recovery of from DNA Damaging Agents
- Turner, Paul N. Rotifers of the Ninnescah River A Study of Taxonomy and Species Richness of Three Habitats at One Site
- Voth, Henry W. The Anterior Pituitary Gland
- Walton, Wendy J. Structural & Biological Characterization of Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone Isoform Glycosylation
- Weaver, Vaughn D. Urban Pollution on Sand Shiners and the Use of Genetic Variation as a Bioindicator for Ecosytstems
- Weber, David A. Genetic Instability of Nuclei in Heterokaryons of Candida albicans
- Weber, Rebecca J. The Chemotactic Response of D. sulfuricans
- Westfall, Suzanne Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Medicated Cell Survival Signaling in Porcine Granulosa Cells
- Williamson, Dale L. Luna Periodicities--Geranium Leaves
- Wilson, Donna E. Comparative EID and CEID of Histoplasma capsulatum
- Wilson, Modena H. Stress-Induced Changes in Hemolymph Glucose
- Wilson, Sloan J. Morphology of Chrysochus auratus FAB
- Wulf, Margaret Study Cause of Sterility in Albino Rats
- Yeary, Teresa AG=s Common to Virions and Dense Bodies of CMV
- Yuza, Steven C. Drought Resistance in Ecotypes & Cultivars of Acer species