Wichita State University Department of Biology Seminar

Public Seminar 4-5:00pm, 231 Hubbard Hall 

Seminars are open to the public.   Attendance is required for all students enrolled in Biol 497, Biol 797, and all current graduate students.  For additional information, please contact Dr. Raj Logan.

Date Speaker Affiliation Topic
Jan-23 Raj Logan, PhD WSU-Biological Sciences Orientation for enrolled students only
Jan-30 Haifan Wu, PhD WSU-Chemistry and Biochemistry Apply protein cross-linking to study amyloid-protein interactions
Feb-6 Lisa Stehno-Bittel, PhD University of Kansas Medical Center Moving Academic Innovation to the Real World
(ZOOM SEMINAR)-this will take you directly to the zoom seminar (no in person seminar this week)

Olivia Schouten, MS

Alvin Sarachek Research Seminar

The Nature Conservancy Grazing a Prairie Restoration with Adaptive Management: Using data collection, monitoring, and observation to guide stewardship decisions at the Kankakee
Sands Preserve in Indiana
Feb-20 William Jensen, PhD Emporia State University The Dickcissel (Spiza american):  a model organism of the tallgrass prairie
Feb-27 Cassandra Olds, PhD Kansas State University Monitoring fly worry behavior in horses to evaluate biting fly pest management
Mar-6 Christine Brodsky, PhD Pittsburg State University Nearby Nature:  Trends in Urban Biodiversity from the global to the local scale
Mar-20 Keith Gido, PhD Kansas State University Drought legacies and challenges in native fish conservation

Sarah Wallace, PhD

Watkins Visiting Professor

NASA Johnson Space Center TBD-Scientific Seminar
TBD-Public Seminar-Dr. Wallace will also present a public lecture on Tuesday, 3/28/2023 at 4pm in 211 Hubbard Hall.  
Apr-3 Johnathan Terman, PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Reversible redox regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics to control cellular form, function, and dysfunction 
Apr-10 Walter E. Meshaka, Jr., PhD State Museum of Pennsylvania Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles of the United States:  Colonization Patterns and Processes
Apr-17 Robert Wessells, PhD Wayne State University Drosophila exercise as a platform for therapeutic discovery
Apr-24 TBD WSU-Graduate Students-Biological Sciences TBD
May-1 TBD WSU-Graduate Students-Biological Sciences TBD

Contact the Department of BIological Sciences, 316-978-3111 for additional information.