- Chemdraw - Available to all WSU faculty, staff and students
NMR Facility
- Varian Inova 400 MHz
- Varian Mercury VX 300 MHz
- NMR Sign-up Policy and Rules
- Reserve Time (Faces)
Mass Spectrometry Capabilities
- Agilent 6230 ToF
- Thermo LTQ XL
- Request for Mass Spectrometric Analysis (PDF Form)
X-Ray Facility
- Bruker Kappa APEX II single-crystal diffractometer
- Structure request form (PDF Form)
Analytical Lab
- SPEX Tau3 Fluorolog Fluorescence spectrophotometer
- Varian HPLC Star Workstation with UV Detection
- Hitachi U-2010 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
- Varian Cary 100 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
- EG&G (Princeton Applied Research) Model 263A potentiostat/galvanostat
- Varian SpectrAA 55 Atomic Absorption
- ThermoNicolet Avatar 360 FTIR (2)
- Jasco P-2000 polarimeter
- Varian Star 3400 cx gas chromatograph
- IT Puresolv 7-port solvent purifier
- Mettler Toledo C20 Coulometric KF titrator
- Varian Saturn 2200 GC/MS with Varian 3800 GC
- Varian 1200 LC/MS
- Microcal iTC200 low volume isothermal titration calorimeter
Laser Lab
- ThermoNicolet Nexus 870 FTIR with PEM module, Raman module, centaurus microscope and step scan capabilities
Biochemistry Instrumentation Lab (McKinley 417)
- Beckman-Coulter LE-80K ultracentrifuge
- Olis RSM 1000 UV/Vis Rapid-Scanning Spectrophotometer
- HP 8452 diode array
- Agilent 6890 GC
- Varian HPLC with Prostar 210 (2), Shimadzu RF-535 fluorescence and Varian 340 uv/vis
- Beckman-Coulter J2 centrifuge
- Jasco J-810 CD Spectrometer
- Steris Amsco Lab 250 Autoclave
- Beckman-Coulter J2-mc centrifuge
- Isotemp C90-14431 Ultra-low freezer
- Isotemp 8956 Ultra-low freezer
Analytical/Inorganic teaching lab (McKinley 202)
- Shimadzu UV-1650 PC Uv-Vis
- Nicolet Magna-IR 550 Series II FTIR
Biochem teaching lab (McKinley 229)
- Fisher Marathon 3200R centrifuge
- Varian Cary 100 bio UV-Vis
- Beckman-Coulter Optima L-90K ultracentrifuge
Organic teaching labs (McKinley 201, 230)
- GOW-MAC 350 gas chromatograph (2)
- Parr 3911 hydrogenation apparatus
- Buchi Rotavapor R-114 (2)
Physical Chemistry teaching lab (McKinley 306)
- Dataphysics PCA 100/4 contact angle
- HP 8452A Diode array
- Parr 1356 bomb calorimeter
- TA Instruments Q2000 DSC
- Perkin Elmer DSC-6
- Bruker EMX Electron Spin Resonance
- Spectrasense + Roper Scientific Fluorescence