PAdm 865: Public and Nonprofit Financial Management
3 Credit Hours
Public Administration 765: Public Sector Economics
Course Objectives:
- Learn that fiscal policies guide financial practice
- Recognize the institutions and roles involved in taxing and spending
- Understand the environment and processes of public allocation systems and taxation
- Identify budget theory and budget reforms
- Learn the basic features of major tax structures
- Appreciate the fiscal linkages between federal, state, and local governments
- Apply basic budget analysis skills
- Learn that financial documents have to be clear, concise, correct and conform to fiscal policy
Course Description:
Analyzes state and local government expenditure and revenue system; introduces state
and local financial administration.
Major Topics Covered:
Students use the textbook and classroom discussion to isolate concepts that could
lead to fiscal policy guidelines, and then apply these to a local government budget.
A series of assignments allow each student to analyze the revenues, expenditures and
fiscal policies of a particular local government.
Course material focuses on:
Fiscal Transparency
Public Finance: allocation, distribution and stabilization
Budget Basics
- What is a budget?
- Budget cycle and process
- Budget elements
- Calculating budget metrics: shares, percentage change, compound annual growth, inflation
Budget Institutions and Roles
- Institutional analysis
- Theories of budget actors
Budget Design and Analysis
- Budget formats and reform
- Performance based budgeting
- Cost analysis
- Doing break-even analysis
Capital Budgeting and the Time Value of Money
- Capital budgeting
- Cost benefit analysis
- Calculating time value of money
Tax Criteria
- Tax Principles
- Applications
Income Taxation
- Personal income tax structure and behavior
- Local income tax structure and behavior
- Corporate income tax structure and behavior
Consumption Taxation
- General sales tax structure and behavior
- Excise taxes
Property Taxation
- Concepts and types
- Calculations
- Appraisal and assessment
- Deviations from uniform assessment
- Limits and controls
- Special issues: school finance and taxpayer resistance
Collecting and Forecasting Revenues
- Collections
- Forecasting issues
- Applying forecasting methods
- Assessing forecast accuracy
Public Pricing
- Enterprise operations
- Gaming activity
- User fees and service charges
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations
- Diversity in governments
- Coordination needs
- Transfer of spending power - trends and developments
- Mandates
Cash Management
- Purpose
- Cash flows
- Investments
Debt Management
- Purpose
- Issuance
- Management
Financial Statements
- Overview financial statements for government and nonprofit organizations
- Basic applications and analysis
Government contracting with nonprofits
- Procurement issues
- Applications
A major part of the course is a budget project that is designed to advance each student’s ability to analyze a budget and to present findings in a concise, factual report. Students use a local government budget to find answers to several questions as a way to gain some familiarity with the document, and then they have to review the budget according to the Government Finance Officers Association’s (GFOA) budget review criteria. In major spreadsheet assignments, students prepare a budget analysis that focuses on budget process and budgetary outcomes.