Set a Course for Your Community
The water utility is the backbone of the community. It provides safe drinking water and ensures economic vitality. As a board or council member, it is your job to make informed choices about complex managerial, financial, and technical aspects of running a high quality water utility. Join in a regional workshop to discuss a variety of topics that can help you learn about how your utility operates and the goals for the future. (No cost to participate!)
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Drinking Water Capacity Development program is responsible for:
- Overseeing and implementing Nebraska's Capacity Development Strategy;
- Coordinating services to assist public water systems with technical, managerial, and financial concerns using the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund;
- Providing training to water system personnel regarding capacity development, asset management, and other related activities.
The Environmental Finance Center at Wichita State University (EFC WSU) serves as the EFC for EPA Region 7 (KS, NE, IA, MO). The EFC helps communities in the region and nationally build capacity to address environmental concerns.
Asset Management for Utility Boards/Councils Resources and Tools Community Sustainability Tool
The Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SWEFC) serves at the EFC for EPA Region 6. Their expertise on asset management and finance for small utilities is helpful for all communities to address technical and financial capacity concerns.
Noncommunity Asset Management Training Integrated Asset Management Framework Water Utility Financial Analysis
The Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN) is a university- and non-profit-based organization consisting of Environmental Finance Centers across the US that are creating innovative solutions to the difficult how-to-pay issues of environmental protection and environmental infrastructure.