Click on the links below to download files produced for the HHW Drop-off Event Planning & Marketing Project:
- Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Events: A How-To Guide (PDF)
- Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Events: A How-To Guidle (Word)
- Event Planning & Marketing Checklist (PDF) - This is produced in Canva so no Word version exists
- Sample Event Check-in Sheet (XLSX)
- Instructions for Accessing Canva (Word) -Tribal contacts were provided a PDF version with unique links to their Canva templates, but links have been removed from this version
- Social Media Posts (Zipped folder containing PNG files)
- Email Newsletter Header Graphic (PNG) - Customizable in Canva
- 11x17 Event Poster (PDF) - Customizable in Canva
- 8.5x11 Event poster and RSVP Mailer (PDF) - Customizable in Canva