24 Aug. |
SPS room (Jabara 030) at 12:30 |
Physics Welcome Back Lunch |
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31 Aug. |
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7 Sept. |
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14 Sept. |
Dr. Evan Niner, Fermilab, Illinois |
New Neutrino Oscillation Results from the NOvA Experiment |
pdf |
mp3 |
21 Sept. |
Dr. James Schwartz, Wichita State University, Philosophy Dept. |
Planetary Protection Policy |
pdf |
mp3 |
28 Sept. |
Dr. Tobias Neumann, The University at Buffalo SUNY, New York |
The Higgs Boson at High pt |
html |
mp3 |
29 Sept. (special day, 2PM) |
Dr. Thayne Currie, NAOJ/Subaru Telescope, Hilo, HI |
Imaging Planets around other Stars |
pptx |
mp3 |
5 Oct. |
Dr. Vaia Papadimitriou, Fermilab, Illinois |
Technical Challenges for the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility and DUNE |
pptx, pdf |
mp3 |
12 Oct. |
Prof. Jerry Peterson, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder |
Thick target methods for nuclear science |
ppt, pdf |
mp3 |
19 Oct. |
Dr. Larry Nodulman, Argonne National Lab |
Physics Impact of the Tevatron Collider, a CDF veteran’s view |
pdf |
mp3 |
26 Oct. |
Prof. James Ho (emeritus) Wichita State University, and Taiwan Academy of Science |
Low temperature physics: How low is low and how low do we have to go? |
pptx |
mp3 |
2 Nov. |
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9 Nov. |
Dr. Kael Hanson, Director Ice-cube Particle Astrophysics Center, Wisconsin |
Multi-messenger Astrophysics at the South Pole with Neutrinos |
pptx |
mp3 |
15 Nov. 4:00 JB127 |
Prof. Stephen T. Dye, Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu |
Watkins Public Talk: Phlegethon, Hadean heralds, and the Ring of Gyges |
pdf |
mp3 |
16 Nov. |
Prof. Stephen T. Dye, Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu |
Measuring Potassium and Mantle Geo-neutrinos |
pdf1, pdf2 |
mp3 |
23 Nov. |
Day before Thanksgiving |
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30 Nov. |
Prof. Nickolas Solomey, Wichita State University, Kansas |
Exploring the Secrets of the Neutrino and Dark-Matter with a Space-probe |
pdf |
mp3 |
7 Dec. |
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