General Education Committee Meeting (Minutes)

Attendees: Jeff Hershfield (JH), guest, Kim Sandlin, Office of Student Success (KS), Kathy Delker, Chair (KD), Chris Broberg, Amy Drassen Ham (ADH), Shirlene Small (SS), Becky Nordyke (BN), Aaron Rife (AR), Shelby Rowell, Student Representative (SR) Gina Crabtree, Registrar’s Office (GC), Sally Fiscus, Registrar’s Office (SF), Rick Muma, Interim Provost (RM), George Dehner (GD), Steve Oare (SO), Reporter

I. Introduction of Jeff Hershfield – As past chair of the general education committee, he discussed the growth of the freshman seminar out of the WSU 101 course.

II. Approval of Minutes – Kathy suggested a change in the summary of discussion in regard to the CESP 334 course.

a. Minutes were approved with corrections submitted by Kathy and Shelby Rowe (Rowell)

III. Course Adoptions

a. Honors 102A: Elections – This course request is essentially a change of title. Kathy states that he is expanding the course to any election rather than focus simply on the 2016 election.

  • RM stated that professors were free to change the topic on their own. Gina stated that each change of topic requires a different code for the course.
  • JH questioned the wisdom of allowing faculty to change the topic. The discussion ensued related to the degree to which the topic would change.
  • GD stated that the stated policy may allow a faculty member who has been approved of one freshman seminar course to provide a second course without moving through this committee.
  • KD acknowledged little difference between this course and its predecessor Election 2016but a large difference between the powerful narratives in Hispanic culture course morphing into a food in Hispanic culture course by Rocio del Aquila (Chio) that was brought up in the discussion.
  • KD suggested we look at the matter from two perspectives:
    • Is the Elections course approved – the committee unanimously agreed
    • Further discussion of the policy of allowing course changes with significant content change without moving through the general education committee
  • The question was asked by KD if we need to have a discussion now or after we decide what our recommendation to the Faculty Senate exec committee regarding the FYS program is going to be
  • Consensus was that before we send a recommendation to the faculty senate exec committee, we must have a discussion regarding whether faculty may teach an FYS course on any topic once they have been approved to teach their first freshman seminar course.
    • What boundaries are there on faculty members’ privilege to change the content of a course?

b. Honors 102 -- 1st Year Seminar: Honors Discovering Humanity

  • KD questioned how strictly the syllabi need to match the master 1st year seminar template. KD asked if the syllabus has to show what the service learning element is. We agreed it does.
  • KD provided a document titled “Components and requirements of FYS” from the First-Year Seminar 2017-2018 Manual created by the Office of Student Success.
  • GD did not remember that each requirement listed in the document was required. The material in the document was not required – it was just strongly recommended.
  • The pre and post course writing requirement is required along with a diversity requirement, which is one of the General Education Outcomes.
  • Discussion ensued regarding what expectations were required of all FYS courses and what were suggested.
  • KD suggested we need to have more discussion about being clear of the degree to which content is required or suggested
  • The course was called to question: Committee approved the course

c. JH questioned if we will have enough faculty to teach the set of FYS courses and suggested that the pay for taking on an overload to teach the course be increased to at least $4,000-$5,000.

  • JH questioned how we determine how the credit is distributed to the Tier 2 Gen Ed categories, since these courses are interdisciplinary. RM stated that he, SF, & GC made that determination while the Gen Ed Cmte members were listening.
  • KD suggested that we include a line in the General Education Course Proposal Form asking the professor to suggest the discipline area (Fine Arts, Humanities, Social/Behavioral Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences) in which the course fit.

d. Honors 102 – 1st Year Seminar: Creative Discovery.

  • Committee approved of the course

IV. Meeting was adjourned at 2:01 pm.