Additional Institutional Feedback

For further monitoring and improvement, we have designed a set of feedback processes that allow all parts of the university that affect general education to learn from one another.

  • Faculty members from all programs are asked to report outcomes once every three years in Program Review self-studies
  • At the time when their input is requested, they will also be asked for comments on the strenghts and weaknesses of the program.
  • The general education committee meets yearly with academic advisors to obtain feedback from them regarding the program and to provide them with whatever feedback the committee obtains from faculty.
  • Similarly, the general education committee meets annually with representatives from Ablah library regarding students library research skills.
  • The committee also receives annual reports from exceptions committees so that it can review all cases that involve general education requirements.
  • Any waivers of requirements made by deans will also be reported to the committee so that it can monitor them as well.