INV Team Member Highlight

April 2022 Recap

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

- Edward Everett Hale

The progress of WSU and the entrepreneurship community have stimulated so many to take the leap into creating something new!

The Center for Entrepreneurship is the education and a foundation arm of a large entrepreneurship ecosystem. Through programs offered at the Center, and connections with mentors and many groups, we seek to understand, educate, inspire, guide, and celebrate these motivated job creators and innovators.

In our first program this year, ignitor, we had a delightful diversity in age, culture, and background. With startup ideas ranging from healthy food choices, to STEAM books for children, to life coaching, the future is looking bright for business growth in our region! We are building upon the overwhelming success of ignitor with next-step programs at the Center, to be launched over the next year, and look forward to filling gaps in education for startups as they are identified.

Recently we had an entrepreneurship group from Germany tour a few universities in the US. As the director was leaving, he said that "Wichita is unique among all the places he's visited. Everyone just wants to help each other!" That is such a powerful and truthful representation of what we have here. Let’s never forget where we come from as we continue to support the innovators and builders of our future.