I wish the days were longer. Time is incredibly valuable, and I often feel like I have so little of it. With my obligations to school—reading, writing, testing, and researching—combined with work, paying bills, ensuring the kids are fed and clean, overseeing their homework, and getting them to bed and school on time, plus laundry, cooking, washing dishes, and cleaning the house, my schedule is packed. I truly desire an extra eight hours in the day. Beyond all these duties, I also want to unwind with my children and create lasting memories together. Balancing everything is quite a challenge.
I consider myself extremely lucky to have a strong support system made up of friends and family.
While I appreciated having a stable job at the factory that provided for my family, I found myself quite dissatisfied in that position. One of the key reasons I decided to take the leap and leave a secure career to pursue something I truly love is to demonstrate to my children that it’s achievable. I want them to understand that if they ever feel trapped in a job they dislike, they have the power to change their path. They are not bound to their current situation; they can make a significant shift if they desire. Although they are learning that work can be challenging, they are also witnessing that it is entirely possible to find fulfillment, and I take great pride in that.
My daughter and I share a strong connection through many of my studies. She loves hiking alongside me, and I take pleasure in teaching her about various plants while testing her knowledge of tree identification. Engaging in thought-provoking, substantive conversations, particularly with my children, is something I truly cherish