Alia at university sign

Alia at Neurology Building

"I had always known that studying abroad was something I wanted to include in my college career, as there is no other better or easier time to spend an extended amount of time in a foreign country. Traveling is a passion of mine and I was so excited to not only get a glimpse into another culture, but actually live and immerse myself in one."



Major: Biochemistry
Host: Universidad de Belgrano
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Program Type: Summer Program

Why should other students in healthcare related fields study abroad?

I think studying abroad in a healthcare related field gives great insight into how other countries view and approach healthcare, and it forces one to challenge the American health care system. In Buenos Aires, I was able to compare doctor-patient interactions with that which I have seen in the U.S. and use the best parts of both to apply to my future career when I am working with patients of my own.

Why did you choose the program in Buenos Aires?

I chose Buenos Aires because I knew I wanted to do a medically-focused program, and also because I wanted to better my Spanish.

Alia in medical lab