Darren DeFrain


What is one memory or skill you took from your study abroad experience?

"Can you push yourself to expand your horizons and take a culture on its terms rather than your own?"

Darren DeFrain

Position: Associate Professor, English & Director of Writing Program
Location: Siena, Italy
Duration: 1986

Do you feel that learning a second language is beneficial? Has having the knowledge of a second language helped you in life?

Absolutely. Having a minor in Italian has helped me at every point of undergad, graduate, and professsional careers.

What is one memory or skill you took from your study abroad experience?

I lived in a villa just outside Siena for 6 weeks. We didn't have a car, so we walked or took public transportation everywhere. It fundamentally changed my perception of everyday life in the United States and how tied we are to our cars.

Sienna Villa Group