Kevin at winery

"It's been a lifelong dream of mine to travel the world and discover different cultures and experience different things. Study abroad was a convenient way of enabling that dream while gaining unique and valuable experiences through international education."

Kevin with friends at Eiffel Tower


Major: Accounting
Host: ESC Pau Business School
Location: Bayonne, France
Program Type: Summer Program

How do you think your study abroad program will benefit you in the future?

The memories I have created, the friendships formed, and the knowledge I have gained will stick with me for the rest of my life. I now have connections and new opportunities across the world I never could have imagined. Not only was the Pau Global Entrepreneurship the highlight of my college career; it was a great way of tackling real world problems through international business consultation, the benefits the program had to offer was impossible to achieve in any kind of formal and educational setting.

Kevin with study abroad group

What was your most memorable or favorite experience from your program?

There were too many memorable moments and experiences from my time abroad that it is difficult to narrow down to just one. Class on the beach, class hiking trips, visiting the vineyard, just to name a few. But my favorite aspect of the program were the students in it and the professors who taught it! This program has cultivated friendships and experiences that we will talk about for years to come; we might even have a reunion one day!