WSU Compliance Calendar

The WSU Compliance Calendar isolates the required reports and deadlines identified on the WSU Compliance Matrix to provide a month-by-month view of the university's federal reporting obligations. WSU is required to submit some reports and information to an oversight agency and post certain other information on its website. 

Reporting Deadline Compliance Partner Responsible Officials Statute Name Required Report
January 31 or July 31, depending on date of foreign gift or contract Financial Aid, Financial Operations, and General Counsel's Office Sheelu Surender and others Higher Education Act of 1965: Section 117 Foreign Gift and Contract Report via DoED Federal Student Aid website
July 1 Financial Aid Sheelu Surender, Will Fulls, Julie Scott, Jeff Bever Student Right to Know Act NCES Spring IPEDS Report satisfies July 1 reporting date.
October 1 Financial Aid Sheelu Surender Higher Education Act of 1965 - The Consumer Information web page addresses many of the act's reporting requirements. Consumer Information
October 1 Institutional Equity and Compliance Christine Taylor Clery Act and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Annual Security Report
October 15  Athletics  Rege Klitzke Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) EADA Report
December 31  Financial Aid Sheelu Surender, Will Fulls Higher Education Act: Audits - WSU's compliance audit is conducted as part of the state's annual single audit. Statewide Single Audit via KLPA Audit Report Library
10-year cycle next scheduled for 2026-2027 Assessment, Accreditation and Strategic Planning  Kaye Monk-Morgan  Higher Education Act: Recognition of Accrediting Agency or Association HLC Accreditation Report
No date specified Academic Affairs Shirley Lefever Teacher Education Programs CAEP Annual Reporting Measures
No date specified Financial Aid Sheelu Surender, Will Fulls Higher Education Act: Code of Conduct WSU Financial Aid has a web page dedicated to its mission, vision and Code of Conduct
No date specified Financial Aid Sheelu Surender, Will Fulls Higher Education Act: Cohort Default Rate Cohort default rates for WSU and other institutions are available via DoED database via Official Cohort Default Rates for Schools
No date specified Financial Aid Sheelu Surender, Jeff Bever, Julie Scott Higher Education Act: Net Price Calculator WSU Net Price Calculator
No date specified Financial Aid Sheelu Surender, Will Fulls Higher Education Act: Institutional and Financial Assistance Information for Students When a student enrolls and their myWSU account is created, the student receives an automatic message within their account with the required notice, where it remains for future reference.
No date specified Financial Aid Sheelu Surender, Will Fulls Higher Education Act: Penalties for Drug Violations Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989
No date specified Financial Aid Sheelu Surender Higher Education Act: Preferred Lenders Alternative Loan Lenders in lieu if preferred lenders list
No date specified Financial Aid Sheelu Surender Higher Education Act: Program Participation Agreements Types of Financial Aid
No date specified Registrar's Office (in concert with Shocker Store) Gina Crabtree Higher Education Act: Textbook Information WSU Registrar's Office provides links to information about course materials required in its online Schedule of Courses.
No date specified Registrar's Office (in concert with Academic Affairs) Gina Crabtree Higher Education Act: Credit Hour Definition Credit hour defined in Section 4.08 of WSU Policies and Procedures Manual, Definition and Assignment of Credit Hours.
No date specified Registrar's Office Gina Crabtree Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notification of FERPA Rights

Web page is a work in progress.