The WSU Audit Update Blog recently featured a "Your Role in Internal Control" series explaining the origins and components of internal control systems. Everyone has a role in internal control!
When you earn the WSU Internal Control All-Star digital credential, you demonstrate your understanding of your vital contribution to the university's internal control system!
Credly Digital Badge
Internal controls help keep our resources applied to our mission and the university's arrow pointing up!
You can earn the WSU Internal Control All-Star - Credly digital badge by scoring 90 percent or better on a 70-question exam about the series. The badge is a free noncredit badge.
You'll find the details you need about the badge here: WSU Internal Control All-Star Credential (
Top Ten Questions Covered by the Badge Course
- What is internal control?
- How long have internal controls been used?
- Who is responsible for internal control?
- What sets the tone of an organization?
- What are ethical nudging and the trickle-down effect?
- What are the different types of control activities?
- Do internal controls have a place in everyday life?
- Do internal controls eliminate risks and problems?
- What is essential for a robust control environment?
- What is the greatest challenge to systems of internal control?
Your All-Star Badge on Golden Acrylic!
I have a limited supply of the Internal Control All-Star badge emblazoned on golden acrylic for those among the first assemblage to earn the credential.
It's a small memento of you earning recognition as an All-Star that would look great on your bookshelf or desk!