The Provost
The Provost has the following specific responsibilities: exercises a coordinating role among the vice presidents and other senior administrative officials to assure that all actions and decisions properly reflect the academic needs and priorities of the institution; works closely with the college deans in all academic matters, including program review and accreditation, new program initiation and program discontinuance; prepares the academic budgets, advises the President on overall budget strategies and priorities, including both state and city/county mill levy budgets, assists the President in reviewing proposed development and expenditure of private funds to assure that they reflect the academic needs and priorities of the institution; responsible, and in coordination with the college deans, for all faculty personnel matters, including recruitment and retention of faculty, faculty evaluation, faculty development, affirmative action and conflict resolution; responsible, through the Office of Research and Technology Transfer and in coordination with the college deans, for the promotion of research programs of the University and for nurturing their proper relationship to the graduate programs and faculty development; provides active liaison with external agencies and boards, including the Academic Office of the Kansas Board of Regents, its Council of Chief Academic Officers, the WSU Board of Trustees and the WSU Foundation; works with the Faculty Senate, its elected leaders and its committees to assure and maintain an active faculty role in all matters related to the academic policies of the institution. The Provost assumes administrative responsibility for the University should the President be unable to act.