Economic Development: Renewing Wichita’s promise
I’ve been doing considerable reading, thinking and writing about how economic development has become a core function of research universities like ours. I’ve been pondering the question: How do we renew Wichita’s promise as an economic engine for Kansas and the nation?
It’s clear that the university is both a driver and beneficiary of the Wichita area
As a high research university, WSU is of the type and mission class that nationally
is driving economic development in many cities. And, because of WSU’s links to this
region, its long-standing programs in critical technical areas, and its renewed commitment
to serving the people of the state, WSU is positioned to benefit the local community
through not only the research of its faculty but the education of its students, who
become contributors to the local economy and the Wichita area community upon graduation.
It is the historical role of public higher education to lift up the fortunes of entire
communities. At no time in history has that mission been more important than it is
today. The Kansas Board of Regents’ strategic plan specifically highlights the importance
of alignment of higher education with the economy, and WSU is dedicated to expanding
this commitment, drawing on local knowledge and practices that have been found to
be effective elsewhere.
KBOR’s plan as the enabling document for WSU’s work is consistent with similar efforts
in most states that are pushing their universities in this direction.
One of the most important developments recently at the university has been the creation
of the Innovation Campus. This campus is one of more than 170 research parks/technology
parks and similar entities located at universities throughout the nation that are
members of the Association of University Research Parks (AURP).
There are equivalent entities in other countries in North America, Europe and Asia.
Many of the practices and the direction of WSU’s Innovation Campus are based on lessons
learned from other AURP members.
While a number of research parks have focused on new enterprises, some of them, including
WSU, have been aggressively building a more complete integration of existing technology-based
enterprises along with startups and young firms.
For example, the University of Missouri research parks house corporate headquarters, bank operations, federal agencies and technology-based
businesses, in addition to incubators and startups.
It is clear that the nature of these parks is changing to meet the broad needs of
the communities they serve, exemplifying economic development at its best. WSU’s model
of enhancing economic development involves more than creation of the Innovation Campus,
The university’s focus is wide-ranging and includes efforts to increase the number
of college graduates and the quality of their education; finding new approaches to
education and skills enhancement that support well-paying jobs in the local workforce;
expanding focus on “quality of life” elements of the educational mission; and expanding
and supporting applied research and development that are so crucial to technology-based
economic development.