Mini Town Hall Innovation Discussions

Throughout the spring, join WSU President John Bardo and Provost and Senior Vice President Tony Vizzini for a series of informal Town Hall-style discussions about the role of innovation in a variety of subject areas and disciplines.

Topic Date Time Room
Globalization, Diversity and Cultural Engagement Wed., March 25 4-5 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Innovative Design Thurs., March 26 1:30-2:30 pm RSC 266 Pike Room
Community Engagement and Interaction Mon., March 30 1-2 pm RSC 266 Pike Room
Innovation in Teaching Tue., March 31 5-6 pm RSC 264 Spencer Room
Human Performance/Human Endeavor Wed., April 1 3-4 pm RSC 314 Venters Room
Social Inequality Fri., April 3 12:30-1:30 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Sustainability Mon., April 6 2-3 pm RSC 266 Pike Room
Transportation Thurs., April 9 4-5 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Ethics Fri., April 10 10-11 am RSC 262 Herrman Room
Oil, Gas, and Energy Economics Mon., April 13 12:30-1:30 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Aerospace Tue., April 14 10-11 am RSC 262 Herrman Room
Computing Systems and Security Tue., April 14 3-4 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Creativity Fri., April 17 1-2 pm RSC 261 Olive Room
Materials Design Tue., April 21 1-2 pm RSC 266 Pike Room
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Thurs., April 23 3:30-4:30 pm RSC 266 Pike Room
Big Data and Digital Collection Mon., April 27 2-3 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Communication, Marketing and Infotainment Thurs., April 30 2-3 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Nanotechnology Fri., May 1 1-2 pm RSC 256 Edmiston Room
Visual Culture Fri., May 1 3:30-4:30 pm RSC 256 Edmiston Room
Biomedical Research and Technology Mon., May 4 6-7 pm RSC 257 Ashton/Bridges Room
GIS Tue., May 5 10-11 am RSC 262 Herrman Room
Agriculture Wed., May 6 9-10 am RSC 262 Herrman Room
Health and Well-being Wed.,May 6 3-4 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Rapid Product Realization Thurs., May 7 4-5 pm RSC 262 Herrman Room
Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines Fri., May 8 10-11 am RSC 262 Herrman Room