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Q1: What if my physical / site address (where I perform my job duties) changes?

Q2: What if my position title changes?

Q3: What if the number of hours I work per week changes?

  • IF the average number of hours you work each week changes from part-time (<20) to full-time (20+), submit an updated OPT Employment Form*
  • IF the average number of hours you work each week changes from full-time (20+) to part-time (<20), submit an updated OPT Employment Form*

Q4: What if my supervisor changes?

Q5: What if my employer is bought by or merges with another company?

Q6: What if only the name of my company changes?

*  Use of the SEVP Portal does not eliminate the requirement to send evidence of the relationship between your job and major field of study to OIE. To fulfill this mandatory requirement, you must submit an OPT Employment Form.