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Q1: What if my physical / site address (where I perform my job duties) changes?

Q2: What if my position title changes?

Q3: What if the number of hours I work per week changes?

  • IF the average number of hours you work each week changes from part-time (<20) to full-time (20+), submit an updated OPT Employment Form*
  • IF the average number of hours you work each week changes from full-time (20+) to part-time (<20), submit an updated OPT Employment Form*

Q4: What if my supervisor changes?

Q5: What if my employer is bought by or merges with another company?

Q6: What if only the name of my company changes?

* These changes could also be reported via the SEVP Portal. If you choose to use the portal, there is no need to submit the OPT Employment Form.