Headline - edit in Multiedit

Add blog post content here. 

Don't forget: The post's title is editable in multiedit, but you'll also want to update it in properties to match. Do not update the heading. That should always say "A Blog for Future Shockers."

If you prefer, you can place an 800x600 image in the body of the post instead of utilizing the hero image spot at the top of the page.


Here's the video component if you want to embed a YouTube video in your post. To edit, click the blue bar, then click the pencil icon. The component gives you the option to include an optional background image. Use an 800x600 image you've uploaded to the year-appropriate _images folder in /admissions/undergraduate/blog/.

If you want to feature text in a pullquote, use this snippet:

Use this spot to draw attention to quoted material within the post.
Quoted person
Optional second line for title

Published stories will have a wheat kernel at the bottom of the page, so make sure to retain the existing full return after the Blog Home rich link. 

If you want to link to more information at the end of your post, you can insert a Rich Link w/ Icon snippet, as seen below. Leave the Blog Home link in place, so users have a way to get back to the homepage.

Learn more Blog home All posts