Job search strategy for International students

Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020


Cost: Free



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Event Contact

Megan Voth
Website: Learn more about Job search strategy for International students

This workshop, hosted by Interstride, introduces well-established processes for positioning yourself to execute a focused and successful U.S.-based job search. Learn how to efficiently target companies that sponsor H-1B visas and hire international students; build and expand your network in the American context with LinkedIn searches, informational interviews; and make meaningful connections with employers. Take away a four-step framework to optimize your job search game plan and effectively network to get your foot in the door.

  • Feel empowered to build a career in the United States with practical approaches to conducting a domestic job search with tools and resources provided by your career center
  • Discover how to target companies that sponsor H-1B visas
  • Learn to cultivate and use professional connections American-style through strategic networking and informational interviews
  • Leverage your story, skills, expertise, university network and brand to achieve your career and life goals
  • Practice how to use your cultural diversity as an advantage and effectively convey your story to hiring managers

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