Seminar - 'Equity and inclusion in the development and sustainability of the scientific workforce'
Our speaker this Wednesday, March 24th at 3:30 pm via ZOOM is Dr. Sonia M. Hall, who is the President and CEO of BioKansas. The title of her talk is “Equity and inclusion in the development and sustainability of the scientific workforce.”
Dr. Sonia M. Hall is the President & Chief Executive Officer for BioKansas, a bioscience focused non-profit committed to leading the effort of supporting and growing Kansas’ bioscience ecosystem. Dr. Hall received her PhD in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of Kansas, followed by two years of postdoctoral training at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. She has focused her career on designing and leading initiatives that aim to make science and the paths towards scientific careers more equitable. These efforts have resulted in the creation of numerous programs, publications, and initiatives; leading her to share her expertise with a variety of national and international audiences, including the Hungarian Academy of Science, Genetics Society of America, the Future of Research, government agencies, and many more.
Whether speaking with Congressional representatives, academic leadership, corporate leaders, or international scientific audiences, she has had an ongoing commitment to highlight the scientific contributions of researchers and companies in the heartland. This passion for the individuals and innovation in the Midwest led Dr. Hall back to Kansas in 2019 to lead BioKansas and bring the vision of building the region into a hub for biologics research, manufacturing, and commercialization to reality. By fostering an inclusive culture that embraces bold creativity, continuous improvement, and discovery, Dr. Hall continues to leverage the support of the bioscience network; including members, regional partners, and the BioKansas leadership team to alter the trajectory of the region’s bioscience industry.
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