Patient Consent Forms are available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Patient Consent Form | English
Please complete the following form if you are needing to add additional registered users for your organization.
All registered users MUST complete Onboard Training before they are able to requisition
If you have not been invited to Onboard Training, please email and request training.
Running low on test kits? Purchase/Request more test kits below.
Request Specimen Collection Kits
Please review and abide by the instructions outlined in the document below when returning specimens to the lab in person.
Infectious Substance Transportation and Handling Guide (Provided by Legal Information Institute)
In-Person Specimen Drop-Off Instructions
Fed-Ex Express Shipping Instructions
All specimens must be registered through the patient portal. Use the first link to register patient samples and view patient results once samples have been processed. A step-by-step guide for ordering tests is available below.
All registered users MUST complete Onboard Training before they are able to order
If you have not been invited to Onboard Training, please email and request training.
Please provide the following guides to any patients requesting additional information regarding testing at MDL or retrieving results.