The information collected in this form will be used in marketing your exhibit and providing accurate information about you as an artist.
This may be different from your given name, this is how you would like to be marketed to others.
What city do you consider to be your hometown?
What will be your classification at the time of your exhibit?
list any major and minors you are pursuing
include semester and year; ie Fall 2021
Exhibit Description

Please provide a 3-5 sentence paragraph describing your exhibit for the reader. Considerations for your description

- inspiration for the work
- medium of work
- technique used
- what the viewer will take away
- what you wish to convey to the viewer

The following description was take from Devin Carters exhibit Don't Weight. 

"Devin Carter takes you deep into the suffering behind mental health disorders with his larger than life underwater scenes. He uses a most common and uncomfortable fear, drowning, to connect the viewer with the weight behind making the decision to seek help. The longer one waits for treatment, the greater the weight of the burden. Devin utilizes large scale photos combined with impactful lighting to intensify the weight of the issue and immerse the viewer into his art."
3-5 sentences
Artists Media

In publishing information about your exhibit on our website, we also share links to social media platforms and websites that the artists have created to support their works. 

All information collected below is optional and is intended to help expand your network and showcase your work as an artist. No personal pages please.
Please provide a URL to the page
Please provide URL
Please provide URL to storefront

Please include a high quality image of a work you would like to use in the marketing of your exhibit. 1500x2500 pixels or larger.