
1. What hashtags best describe you?
#easygoing #creative #softhearted #hopeful #goodlistener
2. Who is someone you look up to and why?
There isn't just one person, but rather all of my professors. They exemplify the type of strong, smart, and confident woman that I aspire to grow into.
3. What is your happy place?
My happy place is Sedgwick County Park at sunset - specifically, while walking on the paths with my best girlfriends and catching up. 
4. What degree are you currently working towards and what grade are you in?
I recently started the one year program to earn a Master of Social Work.
5. Why public service?
After seeing the injustices that are perpetuated in our society, I couldn't hold the knowledge of that without becoming devoted to working toward change. I don't think I would be truly fulfilled doing anything else.