Fabrication, Defects Characterization, and Testing of Composite Components with Defects | Global Engineering & Materials, Inc. | Seneviratne Waruna | NIAR-Composites & Structures | $ 129,975.00 |
Child Development Center Food Program | Social and Rehabilitation Services | Dasey-Morales Maureen | VP-Diversity & Community Eng | $ 1,532.00 |
Unshackling Hope from the Bench for Commercially Exploited Children | State of Minnesota | Countryman-Roswurm Karen | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | $ 3,000.00 |
Innovating Curriculum with Entrepreneurial Mindset Workshop - Travel Conference | Kern Family Foundation, Inc. | Hwang Gisuk | Mechanical Engineering | $ 3,250.00 |
Wichita State University Educational Opportunity Centers Program | Department of Education-US | Ervin Frances | ED-Educational Opportunity Centers | $ 241,899.00 |
TRIO Student Support Services | Department of Education-US | Musamali Kennedy | Ed-Student Support Services | $ 438,945.00 |
TRIO Educational Talent Search Program | Department of Education-US | Ramos Larry | Ed-Talent Search Program | $ 573,180.00 |
TRIO Disability Support Services | Department of Education-US | Souriya-Mnirajd Vanessa | Ed-Disability Services Student Sup | $ 261,387.00 |
Wind Tunnel Testing Services - Swept Wing-FY16-WSU-Wind Tunnel | Federal Aviation Administration | Laffen John | NIAR-Wind & Water Tunnel | $ 35,840.00 |
Learning Community for NADD Trainers | Sedgwick County | Wituk Scott | Research and Tech Transfer | $ 9,988.00 |
Microbes Under Chemical Conditions Relevant to Mars and the Icy Worlds | California Institute Of Technology | Schneegurt Mark | Biological Sciences | $ 70,000.00 |
Dell Size/Resolution and Performance Study SOW - P3 | Dell, Inc. | Ni Rui | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | $ 24,750.00 |
Interactive Health Eduction Modules for High School Students | nccPA Health Foundation | Brown Gina | Physician Assistant | $ 865.00 |
Annual Report Preparation and Information Dissemination Sponsor Relations and Coordination Activities Year 2 - PM019 | Federal Aviation Administration | Tomblin John | Nat'l Institute for Aviation Res | $ 76,000.00 |
Certification by Analysis – Structural Crashworthiness | Federal Aviation Administration | Olivares Gerardo | NIAR-Crash Dynamics | $ 426,100.00 |
Foundational Public Health Services Taskforce and Subcomittees Coordination HOME ACCT | KS Assn of Local Health Departments | Wituk Scott | Research and Tech Transfer | $ 6,250.00 |
Public Health Systems Group "Think Tank" Project Management HOME ACCT | KS Assn of Local Health Departments | Wituk Scott | Research and Tech Transfer | $ 6,250.00 |
Environmental Factor Influence on Composite Design and Certification | Federal Aviation Administration | Tomblin John | Nat'l Institute for Aviation Res | $ 150,000.00 |
Damage Tolerance Testing and Analysis Protocols for Full-Scale Composite Airframe Structures under Repeated Loading | Federal Aviation Administration | Tomblin John | Nat'l Institute for Aviation Res | $ 225,000.00 |
Geologic Mapping in Kansas for FY17 | Unive of Kansas Ctr - Research INC | Parcell William | Geology | $ 15,000.00 |
SAFE Evaluation | DCCCA Inc. | Wituk Scott | Research and Tech Transfer | $ 73,730.00 |
Development and Safety Management of Composite Certification Guidance JAMS2017-006 | Federal Aviation Administration | Tomblin John | Nat'l Institute for Aviation Res | $ 176,000.00 |
Kansas Kids @ Gear Up (KKGU) Year 3 | Department of Education-US | Nilsen Corinne | Ed-Gear-Up State Award | $3,500,000.00 |
Board Development and Strategic Planning | Kansas Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics | Wituk Scott | Research and Tech Transfer | $ 3,825.00 |
Human Factors Support of Block 50 -Mod 6 | General Atomics Aeronautical Systems INC | Hart Traci | Psychology | $ 80,000.00 |
FAA Research Requirement on Lightning Strike Composites Structure | Federal Aviation Administration | Kostogorova-Beller Yulia | NIAR-Research & Development | $ 124,287.00 |
Summer Food Service Upward Bound Math/Science | Department of Education-Kansas | Monk-Morgan Valencia | Ed-Upward Bound Math & Science | $ 18,186.28 |
Sub-Contractor Service Agreement First Amendment | MANY | Countryman-Roswurm Karen | Center for Combat Human Trafficking | $ 231,308.00 |
Upward Bound Wichita Prep (UBWP) | Department of Education-US | Hicks Rhonda | Ed - Upward Bound/Wichita Prep | $ 418,931.00 |
Services Agreement for Dress for Success Wichita Benefit-Cost Analysis | Dress for Success Wichita | Kriz Kenneth | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | $ 3,421.00 |
Great Plains Nature Center Strategic Planning Project | Friends of the Great Plains Nature Center | Bruckner Misty | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | $ 10,810.00 |
Unraveling Connections Among Biomolecular Structure, Interfacial Solvent Dynamics, and Conformational Dynamics | Natl Science Foundation | Mitchell-Koch Katie | Chemistry | $ 368,000.00 |
Services Agreement for Kansas Power Pool Economic Analysis | Kansas Power Pool | Kriz Kenneth | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | $ 9,062.00 |
Alkaline membrane-based ammonia electrosynthesis with high efficiency for renewable and scalable liquid-fuel production | Department of Energy | Gu Shuang | Mechanical Engineering | $ 855,000.00 |
Sedgwick County Consultation Agreement | Sedgwick County | Birzer Michael | School of Community Affairs | $ 34,625.00 |
Web-based Training Applications - FY 2018 renewal (Home Account) | State of Missouri | Muneer Yasir | Research and Tech Transfer | $ 26,000.00 |