Submit Your Story of Hope

Have a Story of Hope, but don't want to have your name attached? Submit it here. 

The way we talk about mental health and suicide prevention matters. These guidelines ensure a safe way to discuss sensitive topics surrounding mental health, instead of furthering stigma and hurtful information:

  • If talking about suicide, do not discuss specific methods.
  • When addressing suicide, do not say, "committed suicide" or "successful/unsuccessful/failed suicide". Use "suicide survivor" or "died by suicide."
  • Do not make statements like "she is schizophrenic." Instead, say, "she is a person with schizophrenia."
  • Avoid victimizing language such as “a person suffering from." Using phrases like “a person living with mental illness” is preferred. 
  • Remember, the purpose of Stories of Hope is to provide hope and support to others. Do not focus on the negative. 

To make the submission box bigger, click and drag from the bottom right corner.
I understand that my story may be used by Counseling and Psychological Services for promoting the #WeSupportU campaign both on and off campus.*

 *Please note, stories may be edited to adhere to the guidelines above, but care will be taken to preserve the content and voice.