C'Shop (Workshop) Description

Awaken Your Inner Super Hero

Location: RSC - RM 262
C'Shop Leader:
Rhonda Hicks & Jaya Escobar, Wichita State University

Are you ready to awaken your inner super hero powers? There are key attributes every super hero possesses. Come find out what they are! This session will be high energy and full of strategies to teach you how to effectively communicate and advocate for yourself through high school, college, and beyond.


Location: RSC - RM 142
C'Shop Leader: Chris Wolgamott, Meritrust Credit Union

Building budgeting skills early in life can lead to sound financial practices later in life. A budget is a plan for how you will use your money over the next month, a series of months, or even a year. With a budget, you write out instructions for yourself about how to use your money in the best possible way. This workshop is a fun, interactive literacy activity designed to teach budgeting basics. In this workshop, you will learn how a budget works and how you can create a budget that works for you.

Dressing for Professional Success

Location: RSC - RM 264 
C'Shop Leader:  Anna Gorges & Mark Bengtson, Office of Applied and Experiential Learning, Wichita State University

Dress is the first thing an employer notices about a potential hire, but it can be unclear how to dress appropriately. What you wear will give you a competitive edge and help you brand yourself. Join the Shocker Career Accelerator as we explain what attire is appropriate in different professional settings such as interviews, work, and work-related events. Also, learn the meaning of color, tips and tricks of dressing yourself professionally, and much more. It is never too early to know how to dress for professional success.

Getting Involved in College

Location: RSC - RM 261
C'Shop Leader: Dr. Jason Bosch, Wichita State University

What you get out of your college experience directly relates to the effort you put into it. Earning a college degree is one of the best investments you can make in your future, but how you choose to invest your time while you’re in college matters. The experience you gain outside of the classroom is as important as the learning you gain inside the classroom. In this session, you will learn the importance of getting involved in college, what skills employers are looking for in college graduates, how you can be purposeful in creating your college experience to have fun and make lasting memories, but also prepare yourself to be a job candidate who employers want to hire.

Leadership and Wellness

Location: RSC - RM 265 
C'Shop Leader: Gabriel Fonseca, Wichita State University

Life is hard. Our world is chaotic and stressful and it’s not slowing down. As emerging leaders on your school campuses, you have taken on the responsibility of leading your peers. Knowing yourself, your unique identities and your own triggers gives you a level of self-awareness that will provide comfort and clarity throughout your leadership journey. In this session, we will utilize the Enneagram in connection to the Wellness Wheel to equip you with the self-knowledge to take on any challenge.

True Colors

Location: RSC - RM 266 
C'Shop Leader: Jill Pletcher & Maggie Slack, Career Development Center, Wichita State University

True Colors is a personality/communication style exercise. Students look through four True Colors cards and place them in order of most descriptive to the least descriptive. They then divide into groups by color to identify their strengths, joys, needs, and core values. Each color shares their list with the others, and provides an opportunity for people with other colors to ask questions.